Sunday, March 21, 2010

Redemption...2nd starts

These are hallmark to my faith...cannot imagine what it would be like to live without them. 'Cannot imagine what it would be like for some of my very best friends and family to live without them either. The older I get in both age and maturity (questionable on most days!) I am convinced the only way we can exist on earth is that we all get the chance to learn and grow. That sort of pre-supposes that we fail, make mistakes, do things that are even life-altering...for ourselves and subsequently for others.

To embrace this idea of redemption for myself though, means that I equally apply it to others. My biggest hope is that others would apply it to me too. What does that look like? Word pictures?...Here's a few:
Refusal to regurgitate past mistakes
Gentle Acceptance
I know of no one who is perfect. My friends and family are flawed...I am flawed. My sweetest relationships are those where the flaws aren't hidden; forgiveness has been extended and accepted; and new starts have grown into deeper realities.
Re-demp-tion...the best 3 syllables I can think of!