Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I miss

John Kerry.  He's smart and he thinks things through and I like his plans.  I miss him.  Just sayin'

Friday, November 18, 2011

I want a leader who's also a reader!'s true. I think it's good to have a leader who can also read, consider, discuss, discern, decide. I want a leader who actually IS one of the smartest people in the room (and if he/she IS the smartest all the better!)...yep I want one with some real grey matter...a big ole, useful, BRAIN. Sorry, I just think it's important. SO...if here's my plea to any candidates (presidential or otherwise) who want to throw their proverbial hat in the ring: PLEASE don't get excited about being ignorant...please don't expect me to get excited about your ignorance...BE SMART, BE STRONG...It's a GOOD THING! :-)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The "silly season"

This is a descriptive title given to these last few day/hours to our legislative session by some of my friends who are intimately acquainted with all the antics that take place there. It might be funny if it were't so positively sad and scary. Today I heard both sides rant about education and planned parenthood. I saw lots of condemnation; accusation; labeling and so on. Didn't see a lot of problem-solving or commitment to "shared sacrifice".

I hope we can survive "silly season" til Friday. We can take a breather from some real "stumpers" for a time...til reality sets in?
Here's some of my favorites:

  1. Can't text and drive in Indiana, but you can some"pack some heat": no problem!

  2. No worries, it's "take your gun to work day", every day, if you like. It gives a whole new meaning to "I'm going out to my car for a minute, be back in a jiff"...supervisors everywhere are wondering who is going to go postal next (if they have any sense). The only people who should be taking their gun to work are law enforcement officers and hunters. Everyone else really shouldn't...just sayin'

  3. I, for one, am THRILLED that our representatives spent a great deal of time on changing the ID requirements for vendors of alcohol. It was simply to, to challenging for adults to get their id out when buying their Jack. 'Certainly wouldn't want to waste a moment providing id, even though you do it for all kind of other things! Yep, this one makes a lot of sense, now we are asking cashiers to estimate if Hoosiers look to be about 40 or over...this is gonna be interesting! BOTOX stock, I'm yours!

  4. LOVE the idea of holding teachers responsible for EVERY aspect of a child's life. For example: even if the child's parents aren't around, aren't feeding or clothing them or disciplining them at home, NO MATTER...let's hold the appropriate adult responsible: the TEACHER NOT THE PARENT...this one is SURE to succeed.

  5. Consistently, the data and information about charter performance shows they do no better than public schools, SO: LET'S FUND THEM COMPLETELY!!!! YAY! By the way, I'm so NOT against charter schools, I just think we are avoiding the hard work of revitalizing public schools

  6. Looks like we are getting rid of Planned Parenthood funding... That's certainly going to help out with the access issues we already have in a state that is VERY FAR BEHIND in basic healthcare provision. I'm NOT pro-abortion, but let's get real. Where else are women getting healthcare in low income and challenging communities? I don't see a lot of folks out their lining up to provide cervical cancer and breast cancer screening, or contraceptives. Baffling...just baffling...

  7. Immigration: this one has been fun to watch. I guess I'm kind of bummed that the BIRTHER provisions have been taken out. That one was so meaningful and certainly helpful in a myriad of ways. Thanks for focusing on WHAT's REALLY important.

  8. Speaking of immigration: I guess it would be cool for Indiana to have another distinction: our sister state could be Arizonia! We could become Ariana or Indizonia if we merge. That would be a first, and IMPRESSIVE! This one just plain befuddles me. I wish I could say befuddle in another language: oh wait, I probably shouldn't cause that's not this state's official language (as if we Hoosiers speak English well anyway!)

  9. We are all up in arms that if the gas tax is suspended to help with the cost of gas for the summer, we might not get our stimulus dollars. I thought Indiana was AGAINST federal stimulus dollars. Didn't we initially refuse them on our high moral grounds? OHhhhhh, I guess that changed. The political phrase is "flip flop" but I hate to denigrate flip flops in that manner.

  10. Lastly, I just want to say that in the middle of two very important debates (education and planned parenthood) I was impressed that the Speaker took time to remind the legislators that tomorrow is picture day and to "dress pretty"

Silly Season...coming to a close soon: happy hunting til Friday!

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Blessing

Let it be said of us
While we walked among the living
Let it be said of us
By the one's we leave behind
Let it be said of us
That we lived to be a blessing for life
Let it be said of us
That we came to reach the dieing
Let it be said of us
By the fruit we leave behind
Let it be said of us
That our legacy is blessing for life
This day
You set life you set death right before us
This day
every blessing and curse is a choice now
And we will choose to be a blessing for life
Let it be said of us
That our hearts belong to Jesus
Let it be said of us
That we spoke the words of life
Let it be said of us
That our heritage is blessing for life
This day
You set you life you set death right before us
This day
every blessing and every cursing is a choice not
And we will choose to be a blessing for life
Will we build up? Tear down?
The moment of truth is now
For the kingdom
For our children
For the sake of every nation
We will choose to be a blessing for life
The words to this song remind me of some of the awesome brothers and sisters I am so humbled, awed and privileged to serve beside at the Great Banquet...What a HUGE blessing...FOR LIFE!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One of THE most compelling books I've read in years!

Check it out: Rob Bell's book, "Jesus wants to save Christians: A manifesto for the church in exile.

1. I LOVE the way he writes
2. He is connecting our ancient history as a people to our current reality, and it's a total fit!
3. He speaks truth and does so in a clear but non-confrontational and unapologetic way (I need to learn this!) way
4. His use of the scriptures and history is holistic and accurate and meaningful: that packs a real punch, amen?
5. His approach to our current hyper-religious pseudo/faux patriotism is right on target.

Have you ever read a book that so explains what you've been pondering and convinced of that it just makes you sigh from relief? I feel like my thoughts are on these pages, but far better than I could I have ever written them!

Thanks Rob Bell...this one is sticking with me like ...well I don't totally have the best comparison, but it's sticking with me!