Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Preparing for a journey...

I was talking with a friend at work today about how much I was looking forward to my trip out east. I am so excited. I am meeting up with an old college buddy to catch up and have some quality "hang time"..

As excited as I am about seeing April, and being in a beautiful part of the country, I have been even more thrilled with just "getting ready". The preparation and anticipation has provided so much fun and joy. We've giggled over emails, voice-mails and snail-mail (well, mostly me with the snail mail)...There's just something about preparing for a journey and being on the journey that's indescribable.

It seems to me that this is so like our journey with the Father. I can't wait to see Him, to be in His presence and to be finally and completely free. However, until then, I am excited to be on this journey, preparing to meet Him and to live free in eternity. Sometimes that means trusting in the unknown; being aware that "this" is not my total reality (i.e. life here on earth); sensing that there's always something more around the corner, the list could go on. It's sort of invigorating!

Ultimately though, it means that when things aren't so great, those challenges are still part of the journey. They don't/won't last forever; they are necessary (and even fruitful!); and are joy markers for when they are over: helping us to love and bask in the times when we aren't so challenged!

So, I start my drive tomorrow: the car's clean, tire's checked, water and graham crackers at the ready, and the book on tape there for the listening. It's going to be great! However, I'm not forgetting that I need my spiritual journey preparation too: heart clean? soul checked? thoughts of things that are lovely, kind, encouraging at the ready? spiritual ears and eyes ready to hear and listen to the Holy Spirit?


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