My blog is about the lessons I'm still work, with my friends and family, from God, etc. It's likely not a fascinating journey for anyone else, but its all I got...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The side effects of Disappointment
I got to sneak in some time with a friend who had had the same reaction to some things in her day...and we drove around avoiding going back to work for a bit: we were gathering all of our internal resources to face the rest of the day. And we did...we went back and carried on.
I believe we all seek and crave to be understood; listened to; affirmed; valued. We want it for ourselves and we want it for those we love. AND, when we don't receive it we feel very "let down", especially from those we respect and believe in.
The cool thing is that there is ONE who always understands, and who will never disappoint...and I have to remember that ultimately God knowing and valuing me is WAY MORE cool than what anyone here on earth can give me. Sometimes, it just helps to have someone "with skin on" who can reflect that wonderful attribute of God.
Heavenly Father: help the side effects of Disappointment to go away. Help me to know that even when not understood here, YOU always understand me. Also: please help me to do my best to give the gift of "knowing" and understanding others...I need help with that!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A prayer for mercy
when I focus on myself and not on those around me who are in such great need
when I fail to count my blessings and so miss out on blessing others
when I don't put my "knees to the earth" and beg for your help
when I let my disappointment in people cloud my faith in your "miracle-making" ways
when I forget that you are the GOD who thinks long-term
when the sadness and hurts of others pierce my soul, and cause me to question your love
when I let the anger over the injustices I witness make me critical and judgemental
when I see bad choices get rewarded and so I doubt and sink into greater mistrust
I know you are so much bigger than my doubts and my frustration
I know that you experience those things too...and yet don't sin (unlike me...yikes!)
I know and believe that YOU are way more concerned for others than I can ever be
....and I know that you will make all things just and fair in your way and time
I know that you are in control...even when things/people seem out of control
I know that you are a GOD who gives hope, makes a way-where this is no way
I know that you bless us in ways I can't see and that you call me to trust you
I know you love me, and you love the people I love
God be merciful, bless me and those I am worried over with your comfort, your peace and your blessing.
I love you
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Musings on a hot, hazy Sunday
A couple of things occurred to me:
1) We are so hungry for rain, and it is so needed. The last few phone conversations with my parents, my dad has ended each call with this "be sure to ask the Man Upstairs to give us some rain". Country-girl-at-heart that I am, I have been praying and will continue to pray for just that. This drought is real and is having real consequences for the farmers, for our land, for all of us. As I was walking today, I thought that the dry, dusty ground I was walking on was also a reflection for our souls.
I think this country is so thirsty for real, living water. We need it so badly. We are dry, parched and dieing a bit every day. We are hurting financially, we lack compassion, sensitivity and forgiveness towards each other, we are fighting over any and every issue we can think of.
Yep, I'm praying for rain to water this earth: for our crops and our yards to be refreshed (well, whatever is left of them!), but I'm also praying for God's word to come down, water our hearts and souls and give us a fresh new perspective and start. I'm praying that the old dried up parts will be burned off, and new fresh "starts" can really have a chance to grow. That rivers of compassion and grace will bring forth the fruit of cooperation and understanding: in both little and big things!
2) I watched a dad and a young girl play with a soccer ball at the park where I was walking Charley today. The dad was VERY SERIOUS about instruction around "stops", "kicks", and "dribbling", etc. The young girl was just loving being with her dad, that was obvious. So, she kicks a ball, and it goes past him and he says, "I don't have the right shoes on, that's why I missed it"...hmmm...
They kept playing and the father shot the ball past the daughter, who missed it. The daughter says, "I don't have my shin pads on and that's why I missed it" ...hmmm...
I thought to myself that it took less than about 4 minutes for a quick lesson to get learned and passed down: "when I fail, there's always some excuse I can give" (please don't get me wrong, I have no idea how hard parenting is, and I'm just observing one snapshot of it in time...I know that!)
However, this made me thing about how I handle things. When I miss the intended goal, when I over-shoot or don't catch a ball someone is clearly aiming for me, how do I react? Do I "roll with it" and correct and keep going, or do I think of an excuse for missing out? YIKES!
God, I'm going to fail, and others are going to fail me. Sometimes it just simply "is what it is", and sometimes the failure wasn't intended, it's not a sin, it's just part of the learning process; part of life. Of course, sometimes it is due to something wrong I, or others, have done and we need to confess, correct and move on. Please help me to have a gracious, merciful, humorous approach to mistakes. Help me not to indoctrinate myself or others with the need for excuses. Help me not to use that method to cheapen what could really be remarkable: treating others (and myself) like you would treat experience true grace, loving kindness, long suffering, compassion and REAL LIFE! Please, help me with that...
Getting stopped in my tracks: literally
With that plan in mind, I walked out to my car, opened the door, put the key in the ignition and
actually, let me correct that: there was a clicking, a small "whirrr" and then again,
SO, I called roadside assistance who sent out someone to "jump start" my car, and
NOTHING, really! The guy was nice but couldn't get my car started and left, and so:
SO, I call roadside assistance again, who promised a tow truck would arrive within the hour to take my car to the dealer, and
Apparently the first tow truck company got called to a police accident,
SO, I called roadside assistance AGAIN, who promised to send tow truck company #2 within the next hour, and
SO, I called roadside assistance AGAIN (by the way every time I called I was on hold for about 10-20 minutes) and was told that a 3rd tow truck company would be called, and they would also keep their order in with the 2nd company just to make sure all of our bases were covered. I was informed that it would take 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours, and so
I called a 2nd company to help locate a tow company, who assured me someone would be out to help me WITHIN THE HOUR, and
Meanwhile I worked on a computer in the board room and from my Blackberry, cancelled my meetings, rearranged some things, etc. People were very nice: I had a couple of offers for water, rides, etc. Dianne stayed with me til 5:30, and my boss checked on me several times by phone. One of my staff came by to offer a ride, but I had to stay there to sign off on my car being towed away, and to provide the keys to my car. My sister ended up coming to pick me up and we went out to dinner and yes I did get a Margarita :-)
Finally, we received a phone call (again, thank God for cell phones) and
a tow truck came and took my car away to be fixed. I got home around 7:45 p.m.
This summer I have experienced a theme around travel, cars and my "tightly knit" plans...the theme is that I am completely, unequivocally NOT in control. Apparently, I need many review lessons to get this solidly placed in my head/heart! This is one that the Heavenly Father is NOT LETTING GO of...and I'm thankful (although a bit admittedly frustrated at my lack of progress!)
In my evaluation this year, there were a couple of comments from colleagues about how I need to be more sensitive to others who aren't as driven as I am, or when they have a more laid back style than I do and I am seemingly not appreciative of that. OUCH! It was a but hurtful, and very "close to home"...but I decided to not just react, but to pray over those comments. Where I work, behaviors and character are as important in the evaluation process, as are outcomes and accomplishments. All in all, it's a very affirming process, and I am always grateful and humbled by it. If done right, it also allows for constructive growth opportunities.
You know what, there's some truth in those comments, and like most things in life, it's not an isolated applies to everything we do and all of who we are!
God, you made me and you know what I struggle with. Help me to step back, slow down and value people and the work you've given us in such a way that let's you take control and teaches me to let go a bit more and trust you a whole lot more! And if I really am this thick headed, then please keep slowing me down and stopping me in my tracks: literally. Apparently through the means of a tangerine, 2004 VW: your chosen instrument of learning right now.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
AWP Encounters today:
- expectations are woefully NOT MET
- disappointment abounds; multiplies; and grows faster than a zit the nite of a date
- failure seems to be the result of everything you are doing get the picture: MAJOR PITY PARTY!
In the midst of this I had two visits/"encounters" from AWP's (Angels With Perspective). My 1st was in the morning. A friend and colleague told me about working on a house she is restoring and how much fun it was...AND how much it helped her re-focus and maintain some perspective. Like me, she's passionate about what she does, but passion can quickly mean disappointment...focusing her energy elsewhere made the work less frustrating and more fulfilling. HELLO: a lesson for me!
In the afternoon I had a dear friend call to ask a business question and then proceed to tell me how I needed to
- Count my blessings (my cool car, awesome dog, amazing sister, terrific parents, great friends, having a house in the Ripple...OK, the list really could go on, I really AM blessed beyond measure!)
- Get my perspective back as it was obviously out of kilter....i.e. quit putting in tons of hours at work, let go of that which I can't affect, and have more F-U-N!
- Understand that chocolate and a good pair of shoes really can make your life better! (and in that vein I bought a pair of IU crocs tonite and am drinking a jamocha fudge shake!)'s WORKING!
I hope your not having "one of those days" this week. But if you are? I'm praying you have an encounter with an AWP...we all need them at one time or another. We also need to be an AWP for someone else when we see someone having "one of those"...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Upside down prayers on the couch
It's been a crazy week, by all accounts one of the crazier ones. Having some "down time" has been refreshing! Tonite I was laying on my couch a bit upside down (don't ask, but sometimes I do this and share a pillow with my's weird, but comfortable!)...and decided to "make space" for that's where I spent my prayer time. Sometimes I kneel, sometimes I sit at the table, and sometimes I prop myself up in bed and " journal with Jesus". Tonite however, was different. I love it that God meets me in unusual places. Maybe it's because He knows more than anybody (since He created me!), how odd I am :-)
Here's some of what I prayed for:
*The students and teachers at Providence Cristo Rey: tomorrow is the 1st day of school and wow what a trip to get to this day! Also, for Sister Jean-for healing from her cold, for stamina, and humor. Wednesday is the dedication, and I can't wait to see what God has in store.
*RAIN! I'm a country girl at heart, and this dry, dusty weather doesn't just weary me, but it worries me...for farmers and their crops
*My parents: who have had to deal with so many losses and challenges and yet keep going. Oh, that I could ever be 1/2 of who they are!
*My staff: they have a lot on their plate and more is coming. They are great, but need to know that they are affirmed, that what they do is important, that they are valued...
*A couple of very dear friends who are going through so terribly hard times: for a measure of peace, for joy, for blessing, for feeling loved and comforted no matter what!
*And a couple of secrets...
Making space for the Creator is so important, and yet I often have to make myself do it...but I'm ALWAYS glad that I did. I encourage you to do the doesn't matter where or when: you can even be upside down on your couch. God is so hungry to be with us, I believe He'll join us wherever we invite Him...and in any position!
Me and my........BIG MOUTH
- v. 19 "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongues is wise."
- v.20 "The tongue of the righteous is choice silver..."
- v. 21 "The lips of the righteous nourish many..."
- v. 31 "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom..."
- v. 32 "The lips of the righteous know what is fitting...?
If you know me at all, you know that I am RARELY at a loss for words. Some would say, "I think out loud with my mouth". It's pretty accurate. If I can talk something through, I can usually deal with it, makes sense of it, or reason it out. HOWEVER, sometimes where, with whom, and how I do that is not always beneficial to others, to myself...or respectful of God.
That's why I LOVE Proverbs. I think of this book as "God's cliff notes for how to behave" never fails to instruct me and it really keeps it simple.
SO, I'm praying Proverbs 12:13 "An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble." Father, help me to watch my that when I speak it is fitting, of value, nourishing to others...AND so that I escape trouble!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
A bunch of hot air...
Even though I was tired, I went in to "this can be fixed mode"...I bet I just need to re-set the thermostat or turn the break in the electrical box on/off". You guessed it: none of that worked. SO...with my panting dog beside me (it was now about 84 degrees inside) I called my service guy and he came out! YEAH! The good news is he could "rig up" my AC to work for now, so it's working hard to cool this house down. The bad news is I need a whole new unit (I was hoping to make it through one more season, but that was not to be!)
Tonite I am thankful for:
-People who will still come out at 10:30 at nite to work on something
-A fridge that has an ice maker: oh yeah!
-That I even have AC...I was in St. Louis the last 3 days, and the temperature
was in triple was really dangerous
-Being in my air and all: because even though things break down, there really is "no place like home"
Yours in hot air (and hopefully cool air very soon!)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The dictionary says a Bridge is "a [syn: span]structure spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway." We put faith in structures everyday that provide passage over gaps or barriers. Sometimes they are obvious/straightforward structures: like bridges that we actually drive over. Sometimes they are people who help us "pass" over some pretty significant barriers in our lives. Without them we would surely drive straight into some high water or head toward a collision course full of pain and hurt. It could be a bridge that helps us "cross over" some large gaps in our life: like education, family connections, a job we are passionate about that makes life more fulfilling-more meaningful. Like the bridges you can see and use when you drive, these bridges occasionally betray our trust too. They crack and fall; letting us down, suspending us in air--desperately waiting to be rescued. They buckle under the weight and pressures of expectations and need and fail...all kinds of scenarios!
This week's news made me think about bridges. I will like driving over them even less than I usually do, but I certainly will think of them differently, because even when a bridge fails one can't abandon all bridges. I have some great bridges in my parents, my sibs, some great friends and an awesome staff to work with: with these I can echo my Dad's words: " the structure is strong and steady and won't let us fall."
However, the ultimate Bridge in life that I can put my trust in is Jesus. That's the one Bridge that never, ever's always solid: a strong structure that will never fail. Jesus provides the passage from death to life, and I'm not just talking about hell and heaven. I'm talking about life here on earth. There is so much "out there" that speaks of death: the war in Iraq, disappointment with our leaders, terrible diseases that are robbing our friends and families of their very lives, acts so evil that it really does make me feel like we are free falling into some dark abyss. I need a Bridge that let's me cross over from that kind of hopelessness to a life of hope...for me that is Jesus.
John 5:24 (New International Version)
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
by grayse