Sunday, August 19, 2007

Getting stopped in my tracks: literally

After a meeting on Friday with my boss, I went out to my car to head back to my office for a 1:00 meeting. I had 15 minutes to make it on time (if you know me, you know that's a HUGE thing)...I was also thinking I might even be able to sneak in a drive through order of iced-tea.

With that plan in mind, I walked out to my car, opened the door, put the key in the ignition and
actually, let me correct that: there was a clicking, a small "whirrr" and then again,

SO, I called roadside assistance who sent out someone to "jump start" my car, and
NOTHING, really! The guy was nice but couldn't get my car started and left, and so:

SO, I call roadside assistance again, who promised a tow truck would arrive within the hour to take my car to the dealer, and
Apparently the first tow truck company got called to a police accident,
SO, I called roadside assistance AGAIN, who promised to send tow truck company #2 within the next hour, and
SO, I called roadside assistance AGAIN (by the way every time I called I was on hold for about 10-20 minutes) and was told that a 3rd tow truck company would be called, and they would also keep their order in with the 2nd company just to make sure all of our bases were covered. I was informed that it would take 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours, and so
I called a 2nd company to help locate a tow company, who assured me someone would be out to help me WITHIN THE HOUR, and

Meanwhile I worked on a computer in the board room and from my Blackberry, cancelled my meetings, rearranged some things, etc. People were very nice: I had a couple of offers for water, rides, etc. Dianne stayed with me til 5:30, and my boss checked on me several times by phone. One of my staff came by to offer a ride, but I had to stay there to sign off on my car being towed away, and to provide the keys to my car. My sister ended up coming to pick me up and we went out to dinner and yes I did get a Margarita :-)

Finally, we received a phone call (again, thank God for cell phones) and
a tow truck came and took my car away to be fixed. I got home around 7:45 p.m.

This summer I have experienced a theme around travel, cars and my "tightly knit" plans...the theme is that I am completely, unequivocally NOT in control. Apparently, I need many review lessons to get this solidly placed in my head/heart! This is one that the Heavenly Father is NOT LETTING GO of...and I'm thankful (although a bit admittedly frustrated at my lack of progress!)

In my evaluation this year, there were a couple of comments from colleagues about how I need to be more sensitive to others who aren't as driven as I am, or when they have a more laid back style than I do and I am seemingly not appreciative of that. OUCH! It was a but hurtful, and very "close to home"...but I decided to not just react, but to pray over those comments. Where I work, behaviors and character are as important in the evaluation process, as are outcomes and accomplishments. All in all, it's a very affirming process, and I am always grateful and humbled by it. If done right, it also allows for constructive growth opportunities.

You know what, there's some truth in those comments, and like most things in life, it's not an isolated applies to everything we do and all of who we are!

God, you made me and you know what I struggle with. Help me to step back, slow down and value people and the work you've given us in such a way that let's you take control and teaches me to let go a bit more and trust you a whole lot more! And if I really am this thick headed, then please keep slowing me down and stopping me in my tracks: literally. Apparently through the means of a tangerine, 2004 VW: your chosen instrument of learning right now.

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