Friday, April 9, 2010

The Unpopularity of Facts and Truth

Substance vs. style; passion vs wisdom; celebrity vs leadership; feelings vs faith...
Could Americans be any more reactive right now? What we WANT to believe, we matter if our beliefs are based on fact or truth or any kind of reality. It's a scary time, but an interesting one no doubt.
Apparently, if it can be reported on, talked about ad nausea on TV/Radio, put on a bumper sticker and held up on an ugly poster, then we can count it as truth. It's the NEW REALITY. It's just easier to react and emote and vent, right?
What's difficult? Waiting to react until the truth has been determined; refusing to ridicule those I don't agree with just because of that...disagreement...and that only.
We are emotional wrecks! We are argumentative! We are ready to shout; pout; whine; and emote at any and all times someone disagrees.
AND...if we are Christians: then SURELY we all have the same opinions and attitudes about the government; celebrities; issues; etc. In fact, we are so sure of that we don't even stop to ask if another Christian might be offended by our off-color jokes or sarcasm, because of course, WE ALL THINK ALIKE!!!
It's a bummer of a time for me, and so incredibly discouraging. It takes so much effort and energy to combat the craziness and not play into it. Cause here's the thing, I'm as bad as the people I'm calling out...I HATE to admit that, but I am. When they start to scream, I want to scream harder and louder...when they get all wonky about something, I want to make fun of them and ridicule them...YIKES...I so wish I could just judge and then not worry about my own behavior! SADLY, I cannot!

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