Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sometimes I really do think dogs are smarter than people!

crazy talk and what get's a response

SO...just a few years ago the Dixie Chicks talk about being embarrassed of the current President and all you know what broke stations refused to play their music; there were CD smashing parties and they got death threats...quite the OUTRAGE...

Ted Nugent rants and raves and about the President, the Supreme Court Judges and the President's Cabinet  and what's the response thus far....hmmm...nothing comparatively. 

SO...a pundit says something not all that respectful about Ann Romney and there's outrage; and Mrs. Romney calls the episode a "birthday gift"'s in the news for DAYS!!!

Ted Nugent uses sexual innuendos and talks violence and....hmmm not a whole lot of outrage from his affiliated party. 

Wow...'knew it was going to get ugly, but the reality of it is really depressing...I wish we could be more like France in our elections, wouldn't that be refreshing!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

maybe's and what if's

....maybe instead of trying to fight with the world about right/wrong, Christians should work on personal holiness.  When our teachers and students at Christian schools abuse and kill each other; the divorce rate for self proclaimed Christ followers is the same as "non-believers"; and the # of teens who have premarital sex is not significantly different, etc., etc. we really are not being a light and "shining city on a hill".  I guess it's easier to put forth what others SHOULD be doing, than to pursue righteousness for ourselves.

...what if Christians stopped reacting to every news story (whether fact or fiction) and actually prayed over a situation before responding?  How that simple action might influence and change those around us to pursue God because they are so incredibly intrigued?

...maybe if believers quit fighting with each other, the world would listen to us when we proclaim God's desire for us "to live at peace with all men"...

...what if Christians provided homes and loving, supporting environments for unwed, pregnant women vs. rallying against and bombing abortion clinics? What might our fellow citizens think about the right to, and respect of, life?

....maybe if Christians really did help each other when financially in need (or needing housing, food,  etc.), they wouldn't have to rail against "social programs" like food stamps, etc. In other words, practising what the new testament church did in sharing all of their resources with those in most need and holding each other accountable?

....what if's....maybe' it starts with one, and then another, and then another...the multiplication process set forth by none of then Jesus Himself! AND then....instead of me hoping and wanting others in the Body of Christ to do this, just committing myself to live my life in such a matter what...
..what if?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Getting Dumber: Our new strategy?

So now, the latest political leader is arguing against college attendance and developing intellectual capacity and critical thinking skills. It's as if the current argument should be the following:
"If we just stop developing the thinking skills and ability to discern and decide, maybe our citizens won't make so many BAD decisions." If only this were true! Knowing Too much or Too little doesn't change the quality of our decisions, it's WHAT we do with the level of knowledge we we integrate our knowledge into the questions/problems at hand that makes the difference. 

Being less educated and less knowledgeable is our strategy for the future? Yikes, CHINA has to be laughing at us at this point! And lastly, it won't make us more Christian to more's just not a spiritual principle that will work from what I can tell...

Safety in stupidity? I don't think so!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fishbowl: sans gummy sharks

Sometimes the sistas just gotta fishbowl!

2nd from left: Brandon Gray, my youngest nephew.  Bran's graduating this spring and just got accepted to Wheaton and will be playing football there, alongside his big brother Carson.  So proud of him and Carson too.  Can't believe they are almost grown ups!

It's been awhile....

...mostly because I 've been playing on Face book and journaling on paper.  Maybe because I'm just not sure I have too much to say (which has NOT stopped me in the past, that's for sure)...because there have been some low lights and highlights as 2011 ended and 2012 is now well "on it's way"!
  • LOW: Mom not feeling well: definitely a low.  I just value her so much and love her, that it's hard to see her in pain, or not feeling as well as she would like.  It also reminds me that I won't have her around forever, and how thankful I am to have her for a mom.  I have some very dear friends who need a mom like my mom! I don't take her for granted...
  • LOW: Charley-the-Wonder-Dog: getting older and likely not around much longer.  This one is hard.  He and I have shared a lot of life together, and he has been a great friend.  I hate to see him struggling with getting up and down and hurting. It will be harder than hard to say good-bye, but I know that time is coming
  • HIGH: Pilgrimage to Houston with my BFF Stacy and experiencing a fresh word from God was a HIGH, and spending time just being with her.  Memorizing scripture and seeing God using it in my life and others !
  • LOW/HIGH: Having to have knee surgery is a low, but being blessed by the help and love I've received from all my friends has been a high. 
  • HIGH: Seeing some of my dear sistas grow in their relationship with just doesn't get any better than this!
  • LOW: Disappointment with some relationships...perspective has not been my strength, but I'm hopefully growing in maturity here....time will tell
  • LOW: Disappointment with our country's leaders and those who would-be leaders: can we get anymore ridiculous? DON'T ANSWER THAT!
I know there are more HIGHS/LOWS to come, but I'm trusting in the ONE who is above, beyond and bigger than either!