Wednesday, April 18, 2012

crazy talk and what get's a response

SO...just a few years ago the Dixie Chicks talk about being embarrassed of the current President and all you know what broke stations refused to play their music; there were CD smashing parties and they got death threats...quite the OUTRAGE...

Ted Nugent rants and raves and about the President, the Supreme Court Judges and the President's Cabinet  and what's the response thus far....hmmm...nothing comparatively. 

SO...a pundit says something not all that respectful about Ann Romney and there's outrage; and Mrs. Romney calls the episode a "birthday gift"'s in the news for DAYS!!!

Ted Nugent uses sexual innuendos and talks violence and....hmmm not a whole lot of outrage from his affiliated party. 

Wow...'knew it was going to get ugly, but the reality of it is really depressing...I wish we could be more like France in our elections, wouldn't that be refreshing!!!

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