Sunday, August 2, 2015

It's been awhile...

I suspended my blog for awhile, but I miss putting my thoughts down. As much as I like the idea of penning words to fun paper or journals, my writing is horrible, and I get frustrated by it and then distracted from what I really want to write about. Yes, yes I do have issues! :-)

I'm taking a break from some things this August. Not "Facebook-ing"; trying to not fill my week nights with "commitments" and meetings; and so on, and on and on. It's funny how when you try to put some boundaries around time, it starts an external and internal struggle almost immediately! Here's some responses I've gotten...
  • "you can't"... we have----
  • "it's great you can take a whole month off: enjoy"
  • "I know you are trying to take the month off, but..."
Here are some response I've so wanted to give:
  • "You are not the boss of me"
  • "it's not like I'm going to movies and shopping every day"
  • "Why do I have to defend or explain myself.."

I guess putting boundaries around time, whether it's how I spend mine or with whom, isn't comfortable for folks. Heck, it's not always comfortable for me! But if nothing else, I'm learning already how influenced we all are by how other's view our use of time'. It's BIG! My goal right now is to play to an audience of ONE. It's also made me sensitive to the time and commitment decisions  others make and supporting them vs questioning or judging.

So... it's August 2nd and I've already had to struggle with this... but there are 29 days left. We'll see what they bring...

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