Monday, April 30, 2007

One very COOL wedding

I am studying in John with one of the gals from our church. This week we are looking at the 2nd! I love getting to see Jesus in His real life world. He had friends, He got invited to weddings, He spent time with His family. In this situation, He gets to perform His first recorded miracle...and at a wedding! His very first act was changing water into wine, something common; every-day; required for life itself; needed-but "usual"... into something with a "kick":with taste; that had value; was grown from a vine and harvested by get the picture.

It makes me think that Jesus wasn't just helping out His friends at that point in time, but letting us know (centuries later) that if He can do what He did with water...imagine what He can do with us? I think I'm the most average, pretty boring person one can aspire to be...but Jesus gives my life some real "kick"; value; He grows me from a vine (HIMSELF) and harvested my heart. He makes something new, different and interesting spiritually. He does that for anyone who comes to Him...isn't that the greatest?

I love that His words are real: they live and breathe and speak to us...throughout all generations. Thank you God and please help me and all those who seek you to value your word, to study it, hear from you through it, to believe it and to let it change our lives!!!

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