Saturday, April 7, 2007

Why me...

This is a wild week-end for Christians...we mourn the death of Christ: our leader, teacher, brother, friend, SAVIOR. The Good Friday service at church this time was amazing. It was eloquent in it's simplicity. It was quiet, reflective and very much focused on the actual specifics and details of Christ's suffering. I was awe-struck. In fact, I kept thinking on my drive home, I just have to get on my kneess, I have just have to get on my knees...

Why did Jesus choose to suffer for the likes of me? For any of us, for that matter? I can't imagine...but He did. His willingness to do so, to be humiliated by the very people He had witnessed His Father create, breathe life in to, grieve over, bless, enjoy, take pride in, provide for, etc. makes me realize that there is really no one like Him. Why would I ever think anyone/anything else could save me, fulfill me, or bless me other than Jesus? WOW...but I do think that sometimes...ugh!

So Friday is horrid, because I realize that this truly pure and holy SON of God had to suffer such pain, agony and shame because of me...but wow is Sunday something else! (my Sunday was actually Saturday nite, because we also have Sat. nite services at our church)...

I am still amazed at Jesus, but it's different kind of awe tonite...I'm awed at His coming back and sharing with his "ragamuffin" disciples, for comforting Thomas, for giving them all a mission and a future...for knowing that He was preparing us all for the Holy Spirit and that would be a presence that would last from then until now, April 7, 2007.

I can't imagine what life would be like without the ability to know the God of the universe, and the God who wants so much to communicate and relate to each and every created inividual inhabiting this place.

Father, I'm just in awe...please don't let me just be amazed by you at Easter, but to wake up every single day with "This is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it" and to realize that I can do that only because of what happened that 1st Easter!

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