Friday, October 12, 2007

Ann Coulter and her followers

do not speak for, nor do they,represent people trying to be disciples of Jesus.

I rarely put some one's name specifically in this blog, especially if I'm writing something very negative. However, this is one of those times I'm making an exception. Also, when someone puts themselves out their publicly as their profession, they invite very direct and public responses.

Ann's shtick is to get a rise out of her followers (the religious right) as well as her detractors (the godless liberals) by a variety of means: the titles of her books, the content in the books, her speeches and her interviews. She's perfected this and is quite sought after as a result.

Her latest nasty rendition of a Christian is certainly being discussed all over the airwaves. I just know the enemy is LOVING this. Once again, Christians look arrogant, prideful, close-minded and hateful. Apparently, for Ann this is an "OK" thing, even something to be admired. I hope she will reconsider her approach. My prayers are that God will take this latest, horrific display and:
1. Protect those searching for God from becoming cynical and skeptical: that this would not be one more case they can use against seeking and coming to know God.
2. Open up opportunities for believers to honestly refute Ann's stance by "speaking the truth in love": sharing the gospel by refusing to be a part of this militant, strident approach.
3. Ann herself would experience the grace and mercy of God in such a way that she is humbled and can be used mightily to spread the love of God in a new and honest way!

I don't know when being religious and conservative became such a culture of mean-spirited, rude, and prideful behavior. What I do know is engaging in, or embracing this is not of God.

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