Monday, October 29, 2007


I got to experience the goodness of God this week-end in a special way. I was a guest at a week-end retreat called the Great Banquet....and it was just that:
and a

-whens the last time I didn't watch a clock for 72 hours....or TV or answer the phone, etc., etc.?
-whens the last time I sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to Him?
-when was the last time I was "loved on" by the body of Christ? (or, at least let myself be!)
-when was the last time I saw other lives miraculously changed by love, and the power of the Holy Spirit?
-when was the last I felt, believed and knew that Jesus had made a major change in my life?

I don't know when I last experienced those things. What I do know is that God invited me to a feast....and feast I did: at the dinner table of the HOST I LOVE, and I will never be the same!

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