Saturday, December 29, 2007


That's what the sign says next to about an 18 inch snowman "parked" at the back entrance to my office floor. The button is right below the snowman's feet and is RED: yep, it sticks out quite a bit. Everyday, for the past few weeks, I've walked up the steps (four flights and yes I am proud that I'm avoiding the 'vator, cause exercise is so "not my thing", but I'm trying!) and past the snowman resisting the urge to "push this button"....

So, here's the funny thing: every day, at least two to three times a day, you hear music come on and some of us (I'm not saying who) run out to see who "pushed the button"...inevitably, someone can't resist the temptation. We all just want to see who it is so we can "catch them"! Mind you, it is much more fun to catch someone than be the one to be "caught in the act"...(OK, I admit I pushed it once on my way out of the office and ran like a you-know-what...I admit I still have to resist the urge to not pull fire alarms too!)

I think there's a huge story here and it relates to that age old issue of temptation. I may/may not have been tempted to "push this button" when I saw the snowman, but for sure I was tempted when I was told not to with a big ole sign! Isn't that so historical? Adam and Eve fell for it, Paul talked about, Abraham and so on...from the time man/woman got planted on earth, we all have one very thing in common, we respond to temptation. HOW we respond can change our lives forever, in both big and small ways: whether we give in, resist, or whatever the case may be.

The snowman was such a good reminder for me about how close I am to giving in to temptation every single day, and what happens when I do, and what happens when I don't. Here's an example. I made fun of something yesterday (OK, I admit it, it was a really bizarre Christmas card picture) that I shouldn't have. I knew I shouldn't, but I did, and IMMEDIATELY felt bad. I kicked myself all the way others it may have seemed little, but to me it was one more example of how easily I can fail when tempted. I was looking at this picture in my office, knew I should put it away and make NO COMMENTS, but instead went outside of my office and showed it to some of my staff, who also thought it equally bizarre (and no it's not yours if you are reading this! HA!). In fact one of my co-workers said, "I was going to ask you what this was about, but I didn't want to get started because I knew we wouldn't be good!" YIKES! He resisted, I didn't, and we all shared in a laugh at someone else's expense. Now just how utterly sinful is that? (Don't answer, I know, it's bad)

OK, conversely, I was asked by someone I work with about the reputation of someone who is fairly new to our work environment. I could've plowed them into the floor, but actually obeyed the Holy Spirit and gave an honest, but not sinful other words, I didn't burn their hides so to speak. You might be thinking to yourself, does she think she's "all that" for actually avoiding mean-spiritness? Here would be my answer...NO WAY...I'm so not good at this. The only time I triumph over temptation is when I actually listen to that "still small voice" and not brush it aside. When I actually avoid temptation and do what I'm supposed to do.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out sot that you can stand up under it."
Paul wrote this in a letter to the Corinthians (letter 1, chapter 10, verse 13)
Father help me to resist temptation, by your faithfulness I know that I can trust you to provide a way out every time I'm tempted to think, say, or do the wrong thing. I know that you will provide a way out so I can withstand the temptation to do what I want, and instead to choose to do what is right! Thanks for your word, for your Holy Spirit, and for the fact that Christmas Holiday is over: and could you make that Snowman go away?
Amen and AMEN!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Like a Shepherd...

I have so enjoyed reading through "THE PROMISE: A CELEBRATION of CHRIST'S BIRTH", prayers, reflections and songs, by Michael Card this season. It has been a sweet way to reflect on such an awesome time not only historically, but for many of us spiritually.

I learned something new that was really touching...and so incredibly impactful! Shepherds were pretty much on the "lowest rung of Jewish society"..."barred even from testifying in a court of law." Apparently, just not valued in the professional world at that time: the lowest of the lowest.

SO, isn't it just the coolest that to these very low level, dis-respected, and not very valued group of men, the angels appeared and pronounced the birth of Christ: the Savior of the world? That gives me so much hope. If God can speak such a momentous and important message to such lowly citizens, then I know He can surely do the same for me. I may not get to hear a host of angels sing, but I do get to hear wonderful pronouncements of hope and promise from HIS WORD and through His Spirit!

I got to thinking...if we were to "fast forward" this story and plunk it right down in what group of "lowly men" would God appear? Would it be the migrant workers who pick our tomatoes, apples, etc.? Would it be the sanitation crew who picks up our trash through the city of Indianapolis? Who would it be?

When God did this over 2,000 years ago, He really did show that He uses the "weak to confound the wise"; that "the last would become first"...He has always had a special place in His heart for those who are poor, "at the end of the social line", the hurting, the vulnerable. Interesting that the King of the Universe shares His best news with "those people", because our society certainly doesn't choose to do things that way! We pick the "beautiful ones"; the smartest; most accomplished; wealthiest; etc.

Thanks God, for bending down to the lowliest of the lowliest...for bending down to me, to all of us!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Think About What You Saw...

This is what is posted outside of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum...along with some other admonitions, like "Never Forget", etc.

I got to go through the Museum last week when I was in D.C. It was overwhelming in so many ways. I think having to see the reality of such hatred and acts of evil is a good thing. It makes me face the realness of this. It makes me crazy that the Head of Iran questions if this horrific piece of history really happened. It makes me humble to hear and see such brave acts by so many.

I'm amazed that it happened even once, but even more so that it's happening may a look a little different, but DARFUR is certainly an example of unchecked genocide and ethnic cleansing. How can this be?

The evilness of man towards his/her fellowman is unfathomable. The only thing that can win against such strong hatred, is great acts of sacrificial love...daily in both small and large ways. I think that for me, that means every time I'm tempted to judge, to be critical or "push aside" someone who is different and assign worth based on that judgement, I am in a small way, mimicking the horror of what we've all learned from history and indeed what is happening today. Lord, give me strength to fight those injustices both internally and personally, and externally and with those I work with and among. Lord help us all!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

"There's Got to Be a Better Way to Do This"...

Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent, which means "to come". The first candle we light signifies HOPE. So, we had an awesome worship service today and at the end we all partook of the Lord's supper. It was a beautiful picture of hope.

As I came back to my pew, after having the bread and the wine, I was so full of the love of God, truly worshipping Him in spirit and truth. Then a lady behind me huffed "There's got to be a better way of doing this"...I believe she was referring to the lines of people who were taking communion, waiting for Communion, and then making their way back to their seats, just as I had done. I'm sure she was thinking about efficiency and timeliness. I was thinking that I simply wanted to turn around and SMACK HER! I seriously considered saying something to her at the end of the service.

Then...the Holy Spirit nudged me and whispered:
"How many times do you say the very same thing to God...either in words, by your thoughts or definitely by your actions? How many times do you want to give God direction and say, "Here's a better way to do...(whatever it is at the time") this? COUNTLESS, let me tell you.

Guess what, He knows exactly how to do what He has done, and is now doing in all of our lives. He is not worried about the shortest route to get to holiness, through prayer time, or fellowship with others. Those things don't even enter His mind. He is concerned about our hearts in the midst of whatever we doing, and guess what: His way is THE BEST WAY to do it!

Lord, forgive me and help me to have your perspective!

Happy Advent, Lord Jesus come. My prayer is that this week brings each of us HOPE, and that we are able to spread that Hope to everyone who is trying to find a "better way to do this"...