Sunday, December 2, 2007

"There's Got to Be a Better Way to Do This"...

Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent, which means "to come". The first candle we light signifies HOPE. So, we had an awesome worship service today and at the end we all partook of the Lord's supper. It was a beautiful picture of hope.

As I came back to my pew, after having the bread and the wine, I was so full of the love of God, truly worshipping Him in spirit and truth. Then a lady behind me huffed "There's got to be a better way of doing this"...I believe she was referring to the lines of people who were taking communion, waiting for Communion, and then making their way back to their seats, just as I had done. I'm sure she was thinking about efficiency and timeliness. I was thinking that I simply wanted to turn around and SMACK HER! I seriously considered saying something to her at the end of the service.

Then...the Holy Spirit nudged me and whispered:
"How many times do you say the very same thing to God...either in words, by your thoughts or definitely by your actions? How many times do you want to give God direction and say, "Here's a better way to do...(whatever it is at the time") this? COUNTLESS, let me tell you.

Guess what, He knows exactly how to do what He has done, and is now doing in all of our lives. He is not worried about the shortest route to get to holiness, through prayer time, or fellowship with others. Those things don't even enter His mind. He is concerned about our hearts in the midst of whatever we doing, and guess what: His way is THE BEST WAY to do it!

Lord, forgive me and help me to have your perspective!

Happy Advent, Lord Jesus come. My prayer is that this week brings each of us HOPE, and that we are able to spread that Hope to everyone who is trying to find a "better way to do this"...

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