Sunday, December 23, 2007

Like a Shepherd...

I have so enjoyed reading through "THE PROMISE: A CELEBRATION of CHRIST'S BIRTH", prayers, reflections and songs, by Michael Card this season. It has been a sweet way to reflect on such an awesome time not only historically, but for many of us spiritually.

I learned something new that was really touching...and so incredibly impactful! Shepherds were pretty much on the "lowest rung of Jewish society"..."barred even from testifying in a court of law." Apparently, just not valued in the professional world at that time: the lowest of the lowest.

SO, isn't it just the coolest that to these very low level, dis-respected, and not very valued group of men, the angels appeared and pronounced the birth of Christ: the Savior of the world? That gives me so much hope. If God can speak such a momentous and important message to such lowly citizens, then I know He can surely do the same for me. I may not get to hear a host of angels sing, but I do get to hear wonderful pronouncements of hope and promise from HIS WORD and through His Spirit!

I got to thinking...if we were to "fast forward" this story and plunk it right down in what group of "lowly men" would God appear? Would it be the migrant workers who pick our tomatoes, apples, etc.? Would it be the sanitation crew who picks up our trash through the city of Indianapolis? Who would it be?

When God did this over 2,000 years ago, He really did show that He uses the "weak to confound the wise"; that "the last would become first"...He has always had a special place in His heart for those who are poor, "at the end of the social line", the hurting, the vulnerable. Interesting that the King of the Universe shares His best news with "those people", because our society certainly doesn't choose to do things that way! We pick the "beautiful ones"; the smartest; most accomplished; wealthiest; etc.

Thanks God, for bending down to the lowliest of the lowliest...for bending down to me, to all of us!

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