Tuesday, January 1, 2008


that's what I am hungry for in 2008. That's what I've thought about so much in the last few weeks.

It really has been on my mind a lot. I think there have been a few "markers" along the road that have particularly caught my attention:

1. Visiting the Holocaust museum (I'm not kidding, it really was life-changing and a real "stop, think, and consider..." type of experience)
2. Experiencing personally, the affect of not being at peace in a relationship, not being forgiven by someone, even when asking for that forgiveness. Realizing the effect some one's lack of forgiveness has on me, and is surely having on them, and those around them.
3. Observing how a lack of personal peace has almost destroyed someone I love very much: there is anxiety, depression and such deep, deep sadness for them right now.
4. Witnessing how not being at peace has literally killed the hearts, souls and bodies of people both near and far...whether it be Indianapolis, Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, etc.
5. Understanding the PEACE is not an abstract idea, but a very concrete, daily reality. It's not about "them": it's about me. I'm supposed to make it personal: I'm called to make it my responsibility and weave it into the very fabric of who I am and how I live.

So, what does that mean for me?
1. I'm praying for the peace of God to dwell in my heart, my mind, my words and actions, so that I am living this out...not just pondering it!
2. I'm praying for others who are not at peace...with me, with others, with God...

Romans 5:1: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,"

There's absolutely no way to be at peace with others when we are not at peace with God Himself...and He has totally made that possible. YEAH!!!

Colossians 3:15: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

We have been called to peace, and peace is what must be the major and priority goal of our hearts. It must literally "rule or make us subservient to it". Peace is connected to thankfulness and gratitude. If I am not grateful or thankful, I will hardly be able to be at peace.

Galatians 5:22: "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

It's no mistake that in this "fruit bowl" of living in the spirit, peace sits between joy and patience. Joy precedes peace, for how can I live in peace when I have no concept of experience of giving or receiving joy (whether it be from God or others!); also, peace will not only require patience, but lead me to be more patient...with myself and others.

James 3:17 & 18: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven ifs first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

Wisdom is demonstrated by loving peace and what that means to others: consideration, submission, merciful actions, impartiality, sincerity. Sowing in peace means reaping righteousness. In other words, I have to plant peace, and believe that the crop will result in a sense of "rightness" with others, myself...etc. Mind you, not of "being right", but being "right" with others: being at peace.

Hebrews 12:14/15: "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many."

I am supposed to take all my time, energy, resources (EVERY EFFORT), to live at peace: to be holy. I am called to do this, so that I can help others not miss out on God's grace (now there's an awesome responsibility given to each of us!)...this leads to making sure that in no way am I ever a part of bitterness. Bitterness takes root, grows, causes trouble and ultimately makes peace and holiness both impossible!

Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

May we all be peacemakers and experience the very blessings of God Himself, the God who will call us his children because we are like him most when we are peacemakers (kind of like sharing His spiritual genes!)

So, in 2008, I'm pursuing the path of peace: with God, with others, and with myself. I pray you too will also live in peace and know the blessing of being called one of God's own!

Peace on Earth, by Chris Rice

Peace on earth, Peace on earth
Did the angels waste their words?
Everywhere, raise this prayer
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth

Peace with God, Peace with God
Offered through one lowly child
Even when this life is hard
There can be peace with God
There can be peace with God

Peace on earth, Peace on earth
Did the angels waste their words?
Everywhere, raise this prayer
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth

Peace within, Peace within
Where true peace on earth begins
Every heart finding Him
Has perfect peace within
Finds perfect peace within

Peace on earth, Peace on earth
Did the angels waste their words?
Everywhere, raise this prayer
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth

Peace, Sher

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