that's what I had today. At least, that's the message my computer received. I believe it's due to some "cookies" that are attacking me...and who said the cookie monster was cute?
Anyway, as I understand it, there are people, companies, ads, etc. trying to get into my system and my system is trying to fight them off. My system's "anti-virus" thingee has apparently been working very hard lately.
So, I hunted...I found things...I read the revealed that I had "suspect components" made suggestions...I took them...and so on..
I got to thinking that this is so like every new year. I feel like there are parts of me that have been under attack, and I've tried to fight them off. My anti-virus thingee is the Holy Spirit: so prayer, time in God's word and fellow shipping with other believers have very likely protected me more than I will ever know. It makes me think of good ole Psalm 139: you know the one, "search me and know me" (ie perform a scan!)
You know what I have some "suspect components"...things I've allowed in, even with all the protection I've tried to practise with the best Virus Protection of all: The Holy Spirit! Even so, there's some things that have to get removed. OH MAN! if only I could simply choose: "select all" and DELETE", and it would be over. Not so simple!
For me, my suspect components will need to be removed and replaced with something better. Let's say some "HOLY FIREWALLS"'s what I'm thinking
Suspect Component Holy Firewall
1. Bitterness 1. Forgiveness and Restoration
2. Anger 2. Prayer and practising the peace of God
3. Self-righteousness 3. Graciousness and mercy
4. Pride 4. Humility and modeling Jesus Christ
5. Doubt 5. Faith of the Unseen (Hebrews 11)
Father: thanks for being my ultimate SECURITY CENTER. Thanks that I never have re-install you, because you never, ever fail. Thanks for your protection. Thanks for notifying me when I am at risk, and most of all: THANKS for helping me put some things in to place, so that I can run free, with out danger.
I love you,
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