My blog is about the lessons I'm still work, with my friends and family, from God, etc. It's likely not a fascinating journey for anyone else, but its all I got...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Things that make me go "hmmmmmm...." My top 10
2. How come regular potatoes in the microwave aren't nearly as good as the one's you buy at the supermarket that are already wrapped and ready to microwave? Really? Is the plastic rap EXTRA special, or some SUPER SECRET kind?
3. What's the unsweetened version of an Arnold Palmer called? Faux APalmer? ArnoldParmer, wienie version?
4. Why is water from the toilet more tasty to my dog than good ole fresh tap water from the kitchen sink? Seriously...
5. Why do squirrels hide walnuts in my planters every year...only to have me dump them in the spring? Do they not remember where they hid their nuts? OR, is it their "ER squirrel food"...only to be used if there is a nuclear holocaust or a rodent war?
6. Why can't gas tanks all be on the same side of every car made? By asking that, am I now a Socialist? If I'm a socialist, does that mean I don't have to shave my arm pits or legs anymore?
7. I actually found a pudgie pie maker for sale in a magazine. However, it was a little to much...advertising the makings of a brie and turkey pudgie pie: are they kidding? Pudgie pie makers should only make wonder bread and canned cherry pies...that's their God-given reason for existing, so don't go trying to make it more cool than it is...sheeeeeeeeeesssshhhhhhh!
8. Why did it take so long to design the roller wheel suitcases? Seriously...they've only been around 20 years or so...we can put a man on the moon, solve serious mysteries, but this took 20+ years? What else is waiting out there that we are being "all cave man" about?
9. How come there are people at work who simply WILL NOT respond to emails, meeting requests, etc. until you copy their boss on the correspondence? come that continues to happen? DUH!
10. And lastly, how come each and every year that I have lived in my current home I get a letter from the power company telling me that they will be in my area and trimming trees in my yard...and yet they have NEVER done any trimming...NOT KIDDING: 8 years straight!
These are the mysteries that I ponder...I can't figure out why I never made it in academia!
The summer of discontent...
1. A call to prayer for the repentance of the country's leaders and country's citizens
*Where is the call of repentance for ourselves and our body of believers?
2. A call to "speak (yell) out" against the evil leadership in our country
*Where is our call to pray for our leaders (NOT blindly obey, but to pray for) and to
"speak the truth in love"?
3. A rally against those who do not share our value of all stages
*I have yet to see even one Christian take in a pregnant women and help her so she can
either learn how to care for herself and her baby or to give her up for adoption...
*Fighting against government run healthcare/programs and yet cashing Social Security
checks and signing up for Medicare just like everyone else. For those who are so against
these public programs", there are ways to "religiously object" and not pay into them, and
thus not receive those benefits (or just deny to use them, period). I know of only one
person who has ever said they have done this..
*Attending rallies in battery operated wheelchairs, to wave posters of our President with a
Nazi mustache, when that very wheelchair was provided through a federal disability that we all pay into, so that we can take care of each other when any one
us is no longer able to care for themselves. I suppose that's socialism...but if it is,
it sort of works.
*A young lady declaring that we should all just "take care of each other" and there would
be no need for government assistance. 'Sounds awesome: are there enough Christians
to staff the hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices that are needed? Other than "pastoral
visits", I'm not really seeing a lot of that kind of sacrifice going on.
4. Using anger and passion to get a point across, versus prayer and service
*Believe me, of this I know, I to want to react when I see some of the
stuff that's going on "out there" (and sometimes fail and do react!), but it's not what I'm
called to and/or designed for...
5. The call to fight over this "God ordained democracy"? Really? Since when did God design
a democracy? He is over a KINGDOM...and I don't read anywhere that in HIS kingdom that
we get to vote on His decrees or laws. What we have here on earth is what we have on
earth, and it's my belief that we do the best we can, but's EARTH- NOT HEAVEN!
6. Can we just get over ourselves a little bit?...just a little bit? We think we are better than
other countries, people groups, leaders, people in general. Pride vs Humility? It's pretty
clear what the Holy One prefers and blesses...
I am blessed to be part of the body of believers, and I love and am thankful for brothers and sisters in Christ...but I am disappointed in us a larger group. I'm disappointed in myself as part of that group. So what do I do now? I pray...I listen...and I pray. I stop focusing on my disappointment in the "collective we", and I put my hope in Him alone who never disappoints, always forgives and will ultimately make all things new, holy, and just the way should be. That He will never make heaven on earth for us, but He can, will and does build heaven in our hearts so we can eventually share that with Him and each other forever...
Whew! Glad I got that off my chest...good that no one really reads's my safe place to get it all out...forward I go!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Waves of Mercy...
I had a really fun-filled three days with one of my best buds from the past. Isn't it just THE BEST when you have an unspoken understanding of someone, and they of you?...there's just a comfortableness that washes over you that simply can't be match by those who don't have that shared history and richness of experiences, memories and words.
Anyway, that ended with a call that my father was ill...which is an ongoing battle for him and our family, but I hopped an earlier flight and came home to be with my precious family. Before I left for home I got to see soothed my soul, it comforted me and it humbled me. The waves were HUGE (hurricane David, Daniel, some D name... had just finished it's move inland) and the majestic noise and view could not be matched. GOD made that happen...GOD created it...GOD is the "blessed controller of all things"! Such a great belief through the flight home, and the following days to come in hospital rooms, waiting rooms, etc.
Waves of mercy my friends, Waves of Mercy...I hope they keep washing over me again, and again, and again...