Thursday, September 3, 2009

Waves of Mercy...

rolling over me. What would I ever do without it? If Grace is not getting what you deserve, and Mercy is getting what you don't deserve, then I have a life full of Grace and Mercy!

I had a really fun-filled three days with one of my best buds from the past. Isn't it just THE BEST when you have an unspoken understanding of someone, and they of you?...there's just a comfortableness that washes over you that simply can't be match by those who don't have that shared history and richness of experiences, memories and words.

Anyway, that ended with a call that my father was ill...which is an ongoing battle for him and our family, but I hopped an earlier flight and came home to be with my precious family. Before I left for home I got to see soothed my soul, it comforted me and it humbled me. The waves were HUGE (hurricane David, Daniel, some D name... had just finished it's move inland) and the majestic noise and view could not be matched. GOD made that happen...GOD created it...GOD is the "blessed controller of all things"! Such a great belief through the flight home, and the following days to come in hospital rooms, waiting rooms, etc.

Waves of mercy my friends, Waves of Mercy...I hope they keep washing over me again, and again, and again...

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