Sunday, December 20, 2009

I really admire SMART Women...

This morning I was watching a news show and got to see Cokie Roberts, very intelligently in my opinion, speak about healthcare and other "hot topics. She is measured and wise, and thinks about things before reacting. She applies history, current context, and looks to the long term ramifications of challenges, and not the "here-and-now" only.

I like Olympia Snow: she's her own person, and she's a hard worker and listens to her constituents. She takes the time and effort to learn what she needs to know and reacts as she sees fit. She doesn't do that based on popularity or polls. She's just "good stock"

I am partial to Peggie Noonan...don't always agree with her, but like her thought process and how she presents herself.

I enjoy having a very smart and centered 1st lady in Michelle Obama.

I think Laura Ingram, Sara Palin, Michelle Bachman (I think that's her name: it's the crazy lady who really just holds rallies and hates everything and everyone pretty much!) are silly. I think they have settled. It's not just enough to work hard, try to understand, disseminate good information with commentary, they have really bought into the whole "look good, sensationalism, rant and rave, media world. They pontificate and rail against everything and everyone pretty much. Think about it: it's easy, and safe! When everyone and everything is pretty much WRONG you've can have easy targets everywhere, and feel good about yourself and all of your "fights" you are fighting. It's a place of passion and quick sound bites...

It takes a lot of maturity and wisdom to not go that easy route. So Cokie, Olympia, Peggie and Michelle...thanks for being strong and steady women...may we have more and more of you...and LESS AND LESS of the's exhausting and frankly, depressing!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Certain things consistently arrive in our lives...Christmas time is one of those things. For me, it's a time to reconnect with my faith in a more simple way. It's also a time I enjoy "loving on" my family and friends. The two things are inexplicably linked in my mind, and I can't separate one from the other. So what's comforting at Christmas about these three things (faith, family, and friends)?

Faith = Back to the basics: the God of the entire universe figures out the perfect way to connect to his creation...he comes as a baby! Could he have made himself any more vulnerable? Now that's an action I can be impressed by! Who could've come up with a better plan, story..."way to start a relationship"? How completely cool is it? How could I NOT want to get to know that kind of God?

Family = remembering where I came from: the family I was destined to be in was the one hand-picked for me...not perfect by all means, but just right for a crazy, impetuous, passionate gal who desperately needs unconditional love, and LOTS and LOTS of forgiveness and grace...and people willing to laugh at her (keeps one humble) and with her (keeps one affirmed)...

Friends = special gifts that keep on giving: I have these amazing gifts that have been given to me in the form of people. Each one is such a HUGE,GINORMOUS blessing....were I to unwrap my passel of gifts right now I'd find": laughter, challenge, grace, forgiveness, double-dog dares, stimulating conversation, comfort, peace, joy, helpfulness, tear-sharers, memories, etc. etc.

This has been a really hard year, so the comforts of Christmas mean more than ever!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

REALLY?...or things that make me go "hmmm...."

1. The funeral home on Broad Ripple Avenue is opening it's doors for little ones to "Trick or Treat": Really? Who takes their kid to a funeral home for candy?

2. The Hubler commercial jingle is to the tune of "Are you Sleeping?": Really? How inane is that?

3. Speaking of which, does Terry Lee really think I want to build a relationship with him over a Honda? Really? Why would he think this is a good sales strategy? (TLC = The Terry Lee Commitment...Maybe it should be TLSBC: Terry Lee should be committed)

4. Starbucks double espresso plus energy shots are great to get you through a deadline. Really? Yes, really, but then you can't stop talking in a rapid, high pitched voice and you laugh A LOT at yourself and people start backing away...I'm just sayin'

5. There's a guy in the park who points out squirrels to his dog to chase. Really? I must be a bad dog owner, but I kinda think that's my dog's responsibility. How will he learn if I never let him have the chance to break out, try new things, fail, try again?

6. Wouldn't it be cool for all the really cute marketing mascots to get together and make a movie, or a video? Really? Seriously, the Geiko gekko, the AFLAC duck, what about the toe fungus dudes. Someone's gonna take my idea, run with it, and make a fortune: you'll see!

7. Since we are now all coughing into our elbows, I think we need to have special anti-bacterial interior arm patches. They could come in different colors and textures. Really? YES, really, it's a good idea and you wish you would have thought of it by now!

8. We are finally getting sidewalks in my section of Broad Ripple. Really?'s only been about 20 years of waiting...we have hit THE BIG TIME. I think we should have a side walk party...kind of like Carmel having a round about ribbon cutting. The only thing is that you can do more thematically with a round about party than a sidewalk celebration. For example: you could serve all round food: pizzas, bagels, donuts, etc. What can you serve at a sidewalk celebration? Strips of bacon? Twizzlers?

9. Some of the people who were railing against government and that "awful, nasty, dangerous" flu vaccine are now mad because they can't get it. Really? We are a crazy group, we Americans!

10. Michael Jackson, in the news EVERY SINGE DAY! Really? What is that all about? What about some of the TRUE hero's and talented peeps in the world who don't do freaky things to themselves or others? Could we give a little attention to them?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Secret of Dad's "Big Fat Wallet" revealed...

I went home Saturday to spend a couple of days with my mom. We are still getting adjusted to not having dad in this world. He was a force to be reckoned with, and so that force is certainly missed.

Mom wanted to show me his wallet and what she had recently discovered. Mind you, this is an interesting thing. We Gray's don't look in each other's personal items, such as purses, wallets, etc. That being the case, we have all been more than a little curious as to what Dad has been carrying around in his wallet.

He got so little as disease took more and more of his physical body, that I think the sheer size and weight of that wallet became more prominent to us. Curiosity!

So what did mom find in his wallet? Scads of dollar bills or credit cards (nope, he didn't use a credit card, and kept only a bit of "pocket money" on him, but not a lot of bills) cards for shops, etc. (nope, not that either!) what made it so "FAT"?

Dad had pictures of we kids and his grand kids and of his wife. He had a "credit card" size prayer for a teacher. He was a teacher to the end, that's for sure! But the one thing I will never get over, is a card I (and it must've been 8 or 9 years old) had written to him. He had folded into fourths to get it to fit into his wallet. I won't tell you all that I had written him, because it's just too precious to reveal, but I will tell you this. What I shared with my dad meant enough to him that he kept it close. It didn't get thrown away, it didn't get filed, and it didn't get mis-placed. It was precious to him. I LOVE that. I can't tell you what that has meant to me.

It made me even more clear about the fact that while on this earth, we need to "say what we need to say" while we can, while we are able, because tomorrow is not a promise. I'm SO glad that I did, but I think of times I have not, and I know that those times are opportunities missed.

Did I love my dad? of course! Did my dad love me? No doubt about it...he let me know in a million different ways. He used to say "Love and Like ya Sher", before I went to bed as a youngster, and as I grew up, he still said those same words!

It's a lot like my Heavenly Father...He loves it when I send love letters to him through prayer or acts of service and kindness on his behalf. I don't imagine He has a wallet, but I know He cherishes each one. Do I love my Heavenly Dad? More and more each day. Does my heavenly dad love me? No doubt about it! He continues to tell me through His people, His word and His world, "Love and Like ya Sher"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Passion vs. Action...gets me to thinking... about "stuff"

I have very passionate friends (no surprise there, I'm a pretty passionate person myself!), some of whom I agree with, and some with whom I "agree to disagree". Right now there seems to be A LOT of passion about A LOT of things. You name it...and someone, somewhere, is "up in arms" about it.

It's been a good thing for me to watch and to be part of. It makes me more mindful of my own passion and the way I communicate and act around things/issues/people I strongly believe in. In other words, it's making me really consider what I say vs. what I do. Here's an overt example:

I have a friend who is passionate about "life issues", especially "right to life" and all things "anti-abortion". It colors her day, every day, and in all aspects of her day. She writes letters, marches, holds signs up at events, etc. She makes it a consideration for every thing shes does: charitable donations, voting, relationships, etc., etc. She is passionate.

Don't get me wrong, I respect a lot about that ( and by the way, I'm definitely not pro-abortion)... However, I'm also not sure of all the things that "pro life" seems to entail/stand for based on the passion and rhetoric around the issue. It's hard to hear the real issues amongst all the noise. I also don't think it's a simple issue either.

Here's what I do know though: it's easy (really easy!) to write a letter to the editor, sign a petition and go to the voting booth. All these things are effective and right, but can easily be "checked of the list" and one can feel pretty good about it. However, where are the passionate advocates in the "mundane, not-so-exciting, very "daily" endeavors that would support the very people for which they are showing such passion? What about taking in and letting a young unwed mother live with you? What about mentoring a new mother? What about financially supporting agencies or people who do exactly that? What about the real "boots to the ground" work? The show and not just the talk?

Today a baby was found in a dumpster in Indianapolis. While signs were being held up downtown to protect our unborn children yesterday, a barely new born child would be abandoned to the trash heap in a very close time period. How desperate someone must have felt to do that. I don't condone it, not one bit, but I wonder if anyone offered this mother a place to stay or any help at all...we may never know...but I wonder just the same.

Reacting to, "railing against", being indignant about...(whatever), is easy, feels good, and doesn't really demand much except showing a lot of emotion. Serving, spending one's self on behalf of another, that's the hard stuff, the real stuff...that's the stuff we should all be made of, because I believe it's the stuff we were born for, and the stuff that will make a lasting difference!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Things that make me go "hmmmmmm...." My top 10

1. How can so many people be out and about during the work day? Why aren't they working? OR, what is their work, and can I get the same kind of job?

2. How come regular potatoes in the microwave aren't nearly as good as the one's you buy at the supermarket that are already wrapped and ready to microwave? Really? Is the plastic rap EXTRA special, or some SUPER SECRET kind?

3. What's the unsweetened version of an Arnold Palmer called? Faux APalmer? ArnoldParmer, wienie version?

4. Why is water from the toilet more tasty to my dog than good ole fresh tap water from the kitchen sink? Seriously...

5. Why do squirrels hide walnuts in my planters every year...only to have me dump them in the spring? Do they not remember where they hid their nuts? OR, is it their "ER squirrel food"...only to be used if there is a nuclear holocaust or a rodent war?

6. Why can't gas tanks all be on the same side of every car made? By asking that, am I now a Socialist? If I'm a socialist, does that mean I don't have to shave my arm pits or legs anymore?

7. I actually found a pudgie pie maker for sale in a magazine. However, it was a little to much...advertising the makings of a brie and turkey pudgie pie: are they kidding? Pudgie pie makers should only make wonder bread and canned cherry pies...that's their God-given reason for existing, so don't go trying to make it more cool than it is...sheeeeeeeeeesssshhhhhhh!

8. Why did it take so long to design the roller wheel suitcases? Seriously...they've only been around 20 years or so...we can put a man on the moon, solve serious mysteries, but this took 20+ years? What else is waiting out there that we are being "all cave man" about?

9. How come there are people at work who simply WILL NOT respond to emails, meeting requests, etc. until you copy their boss on the correspondence? come that continues to happen? DUH!

10. And lastly, how come each and every year that I have lived in my current home I get a letter from the power company telling me that they will be in my area and trimming trees in my yard...and yet they have NEVER done any trimming...NOT KIDDING: 8 years straight!

These are the mysteries that I ponder...I can't figure out why I never made it in academia!

The summer of discontent...

'Mulling over the "summer of discontent" (who WASN'T incensed about something?), I can't help but think that all the "change" that everyone declares is needed, has to start with just ONE: that would be me, that would be you...that would NOT be WE! This is most true of the Body of Christ's believers right now. I'll explain my thinking, as I read and hear from other brothers and sisters

1. A call to prayer for the repentance of the country's leaders and country's citizens
*Where is the call of repentance for ourselves and our body of believers?

2. A call to "speak (yell) out" against the evil leadership in our country
*Where is our call to pray for our leaders (NOT blindly obey, but to pray for) and to
"speak the truth in love"?

3. A rally against those who do not share our value of all stages
*I have yet to see even one Christian take in a pregnant women and help her so she can
either learn how to care for herself and her baby or to give her up for adoption...
*Fighting against government run healthcare/programs and yet cashing Social Security
checks and signing up for Medicare just like everyone else. For those who are so against
these public programs", there are ways to "religiously object" and not pay into them, and
thus not receive those benefits (or just deny to use them, period). I know of only one
person who has ever said they have done this..
*Attending rallies in battery operated wheelchairs, to wave posters of our President with a
Nazi mustache, when that very wheelchair was provided through a federal disability that we all pay into, so that we can take care of each other when any one
us is no longer able to care for themselves. I suppose that's socialism...but if it is,
it sort of works.
*A young lady declaring that we should all just "take care of each other" and there would
be no need for government assistance. 'Sounds awesome: are there enough Christians
to staff the hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices that are needed? Other than "pastoral
visits", I'm not really seeing a lot of that kind of sacrifice going on.

4. Using anger and passion to get a point across, versus prayer and service
*Believe me, of this I know, I to want to react when I see some of the
stuff that's going on "out there" (and sometimes fail and do react!), but it's not what I'm
called to and/or designed for...

5. The call to fight over this "God ordained democracy"? Really? Since when did God design
a democracy? He is over a KINGDOM...and I don't read anywhere that in HIS kingdom that
we get to vote on His decrees or laws. What we have here on earth is what we have on
earth, and it's my belief that we do the best we can, but's EARTH- NOT HEAVEN!

6. Can we just get over ourselves a little bit?...just a little bit? We think we are better than
other countries, people groups, leaders, people in general. Pride vs Humility? It's pretty
clear what the Holy One prefers and blesses...

I am blessed to be part of the body of believers, and I love and am thankful for brothers and sisters in Christ...but I am disappointed in us a larger group. I'm disappointed in myself as part of that group. So what do I do now? I pray...I listen...and I pray. I stop focusing on my disappointment in the "collective we", and I put my hope in Him alone who never disappoints, always forgives and will ultimately make all things new, holy, and just the way should be. That He will never make heaven on earth for us, but He can, will and does build heaven in our hearts so we can eventually share that with Him and each other forever...

Whew! Glad I got that off my chest...good that no one really reads's my safe place to get it all out...forward I go!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Waves of Mercy...

rolling over me. What would I ever do without it? If Grace is not getting what you deserve, and Mercy is getting what you don't deserve, then I have a life full of Grace and Mercy!

I had a really fun-filled three days with one of my best buds from the past. Isn't it just THE BEST when you have an unspoken understanding of someone, and they of you?...there's just a comfortableness that washes over you that simply can't be match by those who don't have that shared history and richness of experiences, memories and words.

Anyway, that ended with a call that my father was ill...which is an ongoing battle for him and our family, but I hopped an earlier flight and came home to be with my precious family. Before I left for home I got to see soothed my soul, it comforted me and it humbled me. The waves were HUGE (hurricane David, Daniel, some D name... had just finished it's move inland) and the majestic noise and view could not be matched. GOD made that happen...GOD created it...GOD is the "blessed controller of all things"! Such a great belief through the flight home, and the following days to come in hospital rooms, waiting rooms, etc.

Waves of mercy my friends, Waves of Mercy...I hope they keep washing over me again, and again, and again...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lion sleeps

I remember visiting my gramma and seeing the framed picture of JFK on the wall...reading the JFK "coffee table" book together with my grampa. I remember grampa and I walking down the road, or picking raspberries and talking about JFK, Bobby, Rose and Eddie. I grew up with the Kennedy's being part of my very own "American Royalty"....

Later in college, I actually saw Bobby Jr.'s family play football on the IU Student Union grounds...and was behind the barricades (streets were blocked off in B-town) when he married a Southern Indiana native (Emily Black? I'm not sure that's correct!)...

I bought the very 1st "George" magazine produced by John Jr., and waited in hope that his plane really didn't go down, but was lost. I mourned with so many others when the truth of that horrible accident was revealed.

I have applauded the quiet grace and presence of Caroline...and of course shook my head at the "bone-head" stuff the younger Kennedy's did... The reality is that family, is like many of our families. We love, we fight, we do STUPID things, we forgive, we grow up, we (hopefully) learn from our indiscretions and grow wiser, and we face Painful, Painful things in our relationships.

Teddy wasn't perfect, but he was passionate and full of conviction. I don't agree with him on everything, but loved his work ethic. He really LEARNED the issues and the ins/outs of programs, services, agencies...I doubt many others have done the same in our current senate.

I'm leaving for Boston to visit a friend and much of that city will be both mourning and celebrating this epic figure: a husband, father, friend, foe, servant...'s to you! Thanks for your service; thanks for growing up; thanks for showing all of us that redemption and recovery can and does happen, and that hard work really does bring about wisdom that passion can never achieve on it's own!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Guess What?

1. Medicare is a government run program
2. There are no death panels being set up by the government in the health care reform bill
3. God isn't an American, Republican, Baptist...
4. God isn't a Liberal Democrat...
5. None of us OWN God, but He owns the world
6. God's kingdom is NOT a democracy; HE is most definitely the King and we don't get a vote
7. God will not stand before us, but we will definitely stand before Him
8. The Declaration of Independence is not inspired by God, but God's Word is...every word
9. God knows we care about Him when we care about each other: when we don't/won't...
that sends Him a strong message too
10. Give me wisdom any day over passion...passion is short term, wisdom lasts forever

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My prayer:

May the words of my mouth
And the thoughts of my heart
Bless your name, Bless your name
And the deeds of the day
And the truth of my ways
Speak of you, speak of you,

For this is what I’m glad to do
It’s time to live a life of love that pleases you
And I will give my all to you
Surrender everything I have and follow you
I’ll follow you

Lord be my vision
Lord by my guide
Be my hope
Be my light: in the way
And I’ll look not for riches
Nor praises on earth
Only You be the first of my heart

For this is what I’m glad to do
It’s time to live a life of love that pleases you
And I will give my all to you
Surrender everything I have and follow you
I’ll follow you

I’ll follow you, by Christy Nichols

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"I Confess my Dependence on You"...

I have found some new tunes. I love music, but I'm really into the words more than anything else! So, I am especially loving Meridith Andrews and Jamie Slocum. The song, "Dependence on You" has really resonated with my life right now. Even in the midst of so much pain that friends and family are going through, I still know the peace of Christ...only HE can make that happen! So here are the lyrics: 'hope you love them as much as I do!
This is the life I’ve always wanted
To know the Prince of Peace
To feel my faith restored
As your grace surrounds me

This is the day of new beginnings
This is where my freedom starts
And now death has lost its sting
And Jesus how can I thank you?

Just to know, Just to know that you love me
Gives me hope to carry on
What can this world do to me?
Just to know, just to know that you’re with me
On all these roads I travel on
When all I have is gone
I confess my dependence on you

There is lightness in my laughter
There is a joy inside my soul
My heart is overwhelmed
And Jesus how can I thank you?

Just to know, Just to know that you love me
Gives me hope to carry on
What can this world do to me?

Just to know, just to know that you’re with me
On all these roads I travel on
When all I have is gone
I confess my dependence on you

Just to know, Just to know that you love me
Gives me hope to carry on
You’re the one thing I can turn to

Thursday, June 18, 2009

She walks alone...but she is never alone. That's what life is like for my mom. She is taking care of my Father. You see, she's fulfilling that part of her vow promised over 50 year's ago, "in sickness and in health"...and now it's "in sickness".
She manages his health, completely cares for him, and also watches his health deteriorate every day. She is losing her life-long love and companion a little bit every day. She is being faithful, even when it is so very, very difficult. I see her suffering and I hate it on one side, and yet I'm inspired on the flip side.
It's a rare thing in today's world to see someone literally give up their life for another. It's a picture of Christ alive in her and His spirit speaking to all of us.
God, abundantly bless my mom. Love and comfort her like no one else can. Let her know that she is not alone, and that you are ALWAYS WITH HER! Protect and defend her. Strengthen her and help her to have joy, even in the midst of such pain. Lord, be with mama!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I want to be different

Ever have a song that is "a right word, with the right tune, at the right time"? This one says it all for me...I am totally captivated by the lyrics, it's my anthem right now...oh that it could truly be!

I have had the right
To stand and fight
But it would have still been wrong
I've had the chance to prove
A hurtful truth
I had to let it go and just move on

'Cause there's a gift called grace
That's captured my life
Though the way of the world is power and pride

I want to be different, Jesus
Just like You
I want to be tender with mercy
Guiding all I do
So when others talk about me
Let it be because
I am different
Let the difference be love

Let me have the kind
Of heart that shines
The light and shows you're real
And where hope is dim
And fear sets in
Will you use me Lord to help and heal

I don't want wealth or fame
To define the life I live
Oh let me be known
For what I give

I want to be different, Jesus
Just like You
I want to be tender with mercy
Guiding all I do
So when others talk about me
Let it be because
I am different
Let the difference be love

Every day is a chance to serve You
By caring for someone else
I will make the choice to surrender
And not live for myself

I want to be different, Jesus
Just like You
I want to be tender with mercy
Guiding all I do
So when others talk about me
Let it be because
I am different
Let the difference be love

Different Song Lyrics

by Jamie Slocum

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Original Top 10

There's lots of "top ten" lists out fact, I think David Letterman does one ever weeknight on his show. Today, however in my reading, I was in Deuteronomy 5: now That's a "top ten"!

I am struck by one specifically though...tonite it was "to have no other god's before me". It might seem that that's one of those "well that certainly only fits with old testament times"...but it really doesn' least not for me!

I do honor other work, my own sense of "what's right/wrong, and who should suffer for their actions", my own pleasures, money, etc. These things really aren't any less offensive than the actual idols that were made in "thousands-ago-bc". So, I don't have an actual golden calf in my home, or a silver replica of some other god....but I do have "things": and lots of them!

Father: help me to honor you first...above everything and everyone...

The original

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Tonite I got to got to church and to visit with some dear sistas afterwards at the local DP's....this may not seem like much to anyone else, but it was HUGE for me!

I've been gone most week-ends, and between helping out at home and working lots of hours, it's been a very "different" stage of life. I think I'm just starting to realize how much I miss being with my friends and having spontaneity in calls/"meet up's"/etc. It's not a bad time...just very different than the norm, and will likely be so for awhile.

So here's to a great worship service; an outstanding message and great ritas with the sistas...God is indeed...GOOD!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Over a year...

since I last wrote on this, hard to believe. I really just had to have a place to start "musing" again. The last few weeks have been so frustrating in Facebook land. I LOVE my sisters and brothers in Christ...most days. I struggle with a few who are so hateful and unforgiving in their attitude and remarks about our current president. It's hard...

It's also hard when an archbishop or two speaks out against our President speaking at the Notre Dame Commencement ceremonies. What happened to the basic respect we had for the Office...and not just the office, but for a human being? Interesting that these leaders of the Catholic church are so violently opposed to the President because he is "against life" (their words, not mine), and yet Bush/Cheney visited South Bend several times. Their were no "high minded" protests then...and these two men led so many of our young Americans into an unjust and unbudgeted war...killing many of our young men and women. Where was the outcry about life then? (By the way, I think Obama should decline and not attend at all, but I think he's a bigger person than I!)

Why is it that as religious zealots, Christians and Catholics, can only think of the un-born in regards to issues of "life"? Where is same passion for issues of "life" around the sick, the elderly, the abused children of the church? I just can't figure this one out. And I'm sure many conservative, evangelical Christians believe that by even asking the questions, I am likely not "truly a Christian". I like it that I can get this out here, I don't dare respond anymore on FB. I did once, and it got really WICKED: so no more. That's the rule about myself and FB. I really do want to be a woman of peace, and I am a Daughter of God 1st, and that is my identity. So, I am praying to not respond and to not make these issues that will divide and not unify. Jesus help me be like you! I need your help.

Also, just to really let it hang out...I don't believe GB was even really ever our President...but none of us who believe that tried to overthrow the gov't...hmmm...

Lastly, rock! Welcome to the White House. Protect and love on the 1st Family...they need you for laughter and comfort. Actually they need that from the Heavenly Father 1st, and then you can follow up with the licks and fun!