Monday, November 22, 2010

A facade of wealth and indulgence

So, Carmel's Palladium will be opening very soon...lots of advertising, lots of fanfare. A very expensive endeavor for this small town. It's opening downtown, in the midst of quite a few empty retail/office spaces...ones that are high- rent. Also, hard -to- rent from what I can tell driving by.

The schools are rife with teachers and leaders who are being sited for inappropriate behavior with students. Let's face it, there's at least one case a year, sometimes several cases in the past few years. It's not an anomaly and one case is one case too many!

There are student issues that go beyond name-calling or a "little innocent" hazing (not really sure what the "innocent hazing" would look like) fact, some of the student behavior is sick and twisted, not simply a matter of "going a bit to far"...but sick, twisted actions by mere children. This had to be learned somewhere by someone else, makes one wonder?

The grown ups appear to be anything but. Some rationalize and defend poor behavior of their children and indulge themselves in it at times. Principals and Superintendent's give "sound bites" that I suppose are meant to be neutral and placate the "wounded" public, but end up being fluff and full of nothing substantive. Prosecutors and law enforcement appear weak and unable to make clear statements/decisions with conviction.

Sure there are new round-a-bouts (even celebration events to mark there newly finished "look") and tee shirts that say, "Rome, Paris, Carmel", and some very beautiful buildings. But what is the substance beneath the facade? There is a high number of growing uninsured, medicaid and immigrant populations...all very much "behind the scenes" of what is advertised and presented to the outer world. One of the biggest disconnects I can imagine.

There's a philosopher who said something like, "The culture is in decline when the elders are not present, adults are confused and children are violent"...this seems to be such a fit!

Do I hate Carmel? NO! Do I think it is a very present, close by example of how our country has progressed and how we are reaping what we have sown, I do. It's sad to watch, but it's a lesson for me to...what is my focus? Substance vs. Style? Do I feel comfortable when everything "appears to be good" even if underneath it is all crumbling? A lot to think about...

Friday, October 1, 2010

In every way...CONFUSED

I confess that I don't understand. There's a new political ad out that summarizes the current religious-political environment we live in. One example is Mike Pence who now has an ad that talks about restoring our "belief in America". He's one of many by the way, so I'm not just picking on him, and I'm sure he is very heart-felt in his conviction. However, I am not called to believe in America. I'm called to put my faith in God and believe in the One who gave His life for all of us.

When did Christianity in America become equal to Christianity-period? When did our version of following Christ become THE TRUTH? All that we hold dear as Americans doesn't equal to what Christ has called us to. Our rugged individualism, "pull yourself up by the bootstraps", health and wealth gospel, isn't of Him at all. Why do we think this is ok as the Church here in the USA to think this way. When did we start to believe in this lie?

What will we say when the hurting world around us remains lost while we struggle to rationalize our ego-centric idealism and not live for the One who LOVES all nations and wants to rescue the souls of all mankind...not just Americans...not Americans 1st...but Americans along with ALL NATIONS!

I am not anti-American at all, but I'm also not anti-the-rest-of-the-world. I actually believe our pride and arrogance will be our downfall...and we will suffer from the effects of our belief in our selves over belief in the ONE true God. God help us, forgive us, humble us, and restore us. We need you, as Americans just as every nation needs you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Unpopularity of Facts and Truth

Substance vs. style; passion vs wisdom; celebrity vs leadership; feelings vs faith...
Could Americans be any more reactive right now? What we WANT to believe, we matter if our beliefs are based on fact or truth or any kind of reality. It's a scary time, but an interesting one no doubt.
Apparently, if it can be reported on, talked about ad nausea on TV/Radio, put on a bumper sticker and held up on an ugly poster, then we can count it as truth. It's the NEW REALITY. It's just easier to react and emote and vent, right?
What's difficult? Waiting to react until the truth has been determined; refusing to ridicule those I don't agree with just because of that...disagreement...and that only.
We are emotional wrecks! We are argumentative! We are ready to shout; pout; whine; and emote at any and all times someone disagrees.
AND...if we are Christians: then SURELY we all have the same opinions and attitudes about the government; celebrities; issues; etc. In fact, we are so sure of that we don't even stop to ask if another Christian might be offended by our off-color jokes or sarcasm, because of course, WE ALL THINK ALIKE!!!
It's a bummer of a time for me, and so incredibly discouraging. It takes so much effort and energy to combat the craziness and not play into it. Cause here's the thing, I'm as bad as the people I'm calling out...I HATE to admit that, but I am. When they start to scream, I want to scream harder and louder...when they get all wonky about something, I want to make fun of them and ridicule them...YIKES...I so wish I could just judge and then not worry about my own behavior! SADLY, I cannot!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Redemption...2nd starts

These are hallmark to my faith...cannot imagine what it would be like to live without them. 'Cannot imagine what it would be like for some of my very best friends and family to live without them either. The older I get in both age and maturity (questionable on most days!) I am convinced the only way we can exist on earth is that we all get the chance to learn and grow. That sort of pre-supposes that we fail, make mistakes, do things that are even life-altering...for ourselves and subsequently for others.

To embrace this idea of redemption for myself though, means that I equally apply it to others. My biggest hope is that others would apply it to me too. What does that look like? Word pictures?...Here's a few:
Refusal to regurgitate past mistakes
Gentle Acceptance
I know of no one who is perfect. My friends and family are flawed...I am flawed. My sweetest relationships are those where the flaws aren't hidden; forgiveness has been extended and accepted; and new starts have grown into deeper realities.
Re-demp-tion...the best 3 syllables I can think of!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sherry's "shush" list

a/k/a..."people who need to shut their mouths"

1. Dick Cheney: please be quiet, seriously...I beg of you...shut your mouth. You didn't say hardly anything in 8 years of office, and now you are just saying the most idiotic things. STOP it...really...STOP IT.

2. Michael Steele: could you say anymore ridiculous stuff? Don't answer...of course you can, you seriously cannot help yourself...the more you talk, the worse it gets...

3. Joe Lieberman: you change like a chameleon, reflecting the closest color to you...pick a stance and stick with it...until then: SHUSH!

4. Howard Dean: could you just for one minute "let it go" and quit aren't helping the cause of health care and you are just making it worse. BE QUIET!!!

5. The "Tiger Woods" mistress club: shut your mouths. Quit talking about any/all of it. You look your lips

6. Rush Limbaugh: Glad the health care system works for you...highly insured with lots of dough. Why do you think that applies to everyone? STOP talking

OK, that's I'm going to be quiet myself!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: A "JESUS year"...

I'm wanting me a "JESUS year"...I really don't want anything else. There are a lot of resolutions I should/could make: all very worthy, arguably needed for sure! I quickly realized I couldn't settle on one or two things, cause I just want to be more in step with Jesus than I ever have been in my entire life. Actually, I was pretty excited that it meant not having the D word on my resolution list (Diet...which I think is interesting that the first 3 letters of the word spell DIE!!!)...I'm just hungry for Him and for His word...the word of life, and not religion in/of itself. That just kills any of my desire, passion, etc. actually!

Here's a pretty good verse that boils it down to REAL SIMPLE

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2

I communicate better with writing than the spoken word, and usually I find lyrics that really can much more eloquently express my here's one by Meredith Andrews that I really am liking right now...

For your nearness Lord, I hunger
For your nearness Lord, I wait
Hold me ever closer Father
With such a love I can't escape

For your nearness I am hoping
For your nearness Lord, I long
I have no need of any other
I have found where I belong
Yes, I have found where I belong

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord

In your nearness there is healing
what was broken - now made whole
restoration in it's fullness
Lasting home for all who come

In your nearness I take shelter
Where you are is where I'm home
I have need of only one thing
to be here before your throne
to be here before your throne

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord

And keep me here
keep me here
there's no where else I'd rather be
So keep me here
keep me here
there's no where else I'd rather be
there's no where else I'd rather be

So draw me nearer Lord
Never let me go
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer Lord
Draw me nearer Lord