Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Blessing of "Messing Up" Publicly

I really didn't do too well with a particular situation at work this week...actually, I'll be REALLY honest: I FAILED (AND IT WAS BIG!!!!)

While bummed that once again I stepped into the "miry clay", I am excited that I have no doubt (NONE!) that God still loves me, forgives me and restores me (what would any of us do without knowing this?...can't imagine!)

The other cool thing, is that it causes me to be humble. I had to ask for forgiveness and acknowledge my own sin. While never fun, it sure does keep one from getting to excited about one's self! :-) God is close to the humble, but removes Himself and actually opposes those who are proud. So, I have a real interest and commitment in ridding all that ugly pride stuff, but I surely do continue to have major set backs! UGH...

I heard the new rendition of AMAZING GRACE by Chris Tomlin, and I have fallen in love with this song. Besides hearing a new twist on an AWESOME old classic, there is a part of the song now I love:

"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, My Savior
Has ransomed me
And like a flood
His Mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace"
Isn't this just the best? I don't know about you, but this gives me hope. I'm free and God's grace can help me work through the continual messes I make: Unending love, amazying grace, it just leaves me speechless.

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