Sunday, November 25, 2007

Living a Life of Expectancy

Today our pastor taught from Luke 1. His premise: The Christmas Story is full of unmet expectations. I never really thought of it that way, but he is so on target. Lots of expectations from Mary to Joseph, to the Shepherds and even the people of Israel...and none of what they had thought, dreamed of, pictured, etc....worked out exactly as imagined.

"There is a difference between our expectations of what we want/ask God to do,
and having a life of expectancy."
This is especially true of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. Can you imagine waiting all of your lives to have a child, likely giving up on that dream because of circumstances (like advanced age, etc.), and then being told by an angel that you would have a child? What's more, this boy would be named John and would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. He would bring back the people of Israel to their God; turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the disobedient to wisdom and righteousness...WOW! I love it that Zechariah was so overwhelmed and questioning, that Gabriel had to really impress upon him what was coming to pass: he made 'ole Zech speechless!
I honestly have no clue what Zechariah and Elizabeth were expecting God to do, but I do know God Himself exceeded those expectations in miraculous and amazing ways. 'Kind of makes me want to expect big things of God and not put any kind of demands or ideas around what His actions might be...what HE has designed is going to be far better...far greater...far more fulfilling than ANYTHING I could dream up.
John's job was "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." (Luke 1:17)...again, not likely in the way that his parents or family/friends would have designed, but definitely what God wanted. I prepare for Christmas once again, I want to be made ready, prepared for the Lord. AND: I'm letting go of what that might "look like" for me, to not expect anything in particulary , but to expect God to be who HE always is, and to act in whatever way HE sees fit.
Father, my prayer is that YOU will meet me, and my friends and family, in whatever way you know will be best for us...NOT how I think you should, could, or would...Help me, and those I hold dear, to live a life of expectancy. Expectancy that you are who you say you are; that you will hear our prayers, and you will always act on behalf of those you love in amazing ways...just like you did with Zech and Liz...

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