Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ready to say ADIOS to 2013

Mulling over what one word I would use to best describe 2013...all I could come up with was
I know, not very "cheery" or hopeful, right? It's the truth though. And if I think longer, I can come up with a second descriptive word
Yes...those fit perfectly the more I think about it. Brutal because the world was so harsh in so many ways, and it just didn't kept piling on, and it didn't let up. Here' what I would put in pile of "BRUTAL":
  • Massive, Draconian job cuts at work. Many seemingly without rhyme or reason. Hurts that run deep for those of us who had to make cuts (that we didn't agree with) and for those whose positions were cut: such disappointment and hurt. It still physically hurts to remember it.
  • Deep disappointment in leadership, or lack of, and not believing in or supporting much of the decisions that were being made.
  • Feeling extremely let down by those above and around me at work.
  • Watching a few people around me make massively hurtful decisions that cost them ...A LOT...myself included.
  • Standing by and seeing my family hurting and knowing that I couldn't do much except pray and support as best as I could figure out (yep, prayer was pretty much IT...and I found out IT was more than enough)
  • Experiencing personal pain, both mental and physical the like of which brought me to my knees (literally) at times.
  • Watching family and friends experiencing horrifically difficult deaths of loved ones, and no one was exempt: young children (LOVE YOU BRAVE BEE!), fathers, friends, cousins, co-workers. Death was so final and encompassing this year.
  • Personally struggling with crushing I've never experienced before.
HURT? FEARFUL? ...oh yes, BRUTAL...
Looking back, I know the Heavenly Father's hand was on me, arms around me, comforting me in significant ways, through special people (in no particular order :-)
  • My Bible Study gals, who prayed, texted, prayed, texted over/for/with me...over and over and over again
  • My "bestie" Stacy...who let me cry, ate breakfast with me, and challenged me to love Jesus and pursue holiness NO. MATTER. WHAT.
  • My family, who just let me be me and not try to "make it better" with easy/simple/surface type platitudes. REALNESS!
  • Jennifer Ruttan's chair and cover on many a Friday nite...a trusted place to "let it out"; "let it go" and "move on"...
  • SWEET Jesus time...a new and appreciated longing for Heaven, the home prepared for me that is REAL, is in my future, and will NOT DISAPPOINT!
  • The best banquet team I've ever been on. Just Jesus and lots of awesome gals. Easy...sweet...restful...restoring...a bunch of Ragamuffins  in desperate need of Healing and Community with the only ONE who can do it.
So, would I want to relive 2013. NOT A CHANCE! Am I grateful to look back and see God comforting me through His Word, His Spirit and His people? OH YES!  So on to 2014...LORD Come Quickly!

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