Saturday, December 14, 2013

When Nothing is Sacred

I couldn't help but think of this old song that I've always loved, it just seems so fitting for where we find ourselves these days! We settle for such much LESS than what God has for us. In doing so (myself included!) we cheat Him, ourselves and we are a very poor reflection of what living an "abundant life" is to those who need to see/hear/feel that the most. 

In other words, if we are settling, then how in the world could you and I as believers expect anything different of those who don't know Jesus? What in the world would make them want what we have? It's not much different, and actually looks pretty weak in so many ways.  I want don't want to be that anymore. I don't want to live like that, think like that, BE. THAT. I want to say a bit NO to it ...and a Yes to the Sacred...FOR REAL!
When Nothing is Sacred

People need true love, but chase infatuation

They need a hope, but live on short supply

People need wisdom, but get more education

People need forgiveness, but settle things eye for eye


People need identity but are satisfied with titles

They need true courage, but bravado looks sincere

People need a living God, but seem content  with idols

People need destiny, but settler for careers


And the soul remains unsettled
And the world -a wilderness
In a time when nothing’s sacred
And soul’s settle for less

People need faith, but place their bets on science

They need a refuge, but stay out in the rain

People need each other, but rely on self- reliance

People need a Christmas, but settle for a holiday

People need dignity, but survive on ego

They need the truth, but will take an alibi

People need a Savior, but much prefer a hero

Most long for heaven, but have settled for the sky


And the soul remains unsettled
And the world a wilderness
In a time when nothing’s sacred
And soul’s settle for less


-Billy Sprague

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