Saturday, December 28, 2013

Something's NOT QUITE RIGHT...

So, I've been pondering something for quite some time..."mulling it over"; "trying to understand"; "make sense of"; "reserve judgement, etc."... all thing thins your supposed to do when you have a very definite and decided inclination about some thing, some one or some issue, etc. I think I'm finally "there", I think I've figured out what it is that is making me think so much about this subject.

HERE IT IS: I don't like the way our American  Christian Culture is evolving right now. And I'm not willing to blame it on the media (which has it's own issues); perceptions; etc., etc. etc. I'm squarely placing the onus on "Christians". We are the ones playing out our own feelings, attitudes, reactions, and so on on every social media outlet possible. We Facebook, Tweet, Blog, Instragram...all over the place. Trying to WHAT? WHAT in the world are we trying to prove? WHAT in the world are we trying to defend? WHY are we so prone to acting the victim and expecting the world to meet our expectations of what we have decided is "the right way of living" ?

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe that we are called to make the unholy, holy...the impure, pure. ONLY GOD can do that. Why are we trying to build our version of HIS kingdom on this earth. Called to be kingdom builders? OH YES, most definitely...but HIS kingdom, not our version of it. THANK THE LORD, HE WILL NEVER ALlOW OUR VERSION TO WIN OUT!!!

SO, NO... I don't think our democracy is God-ordained. NO human form of government has been or will be ordained by God. When we all get to heaven, it will not be a democracy. He is the KING and we won't be voting on anything. WHAT A SHOCKER to us! Thank goodness that we will have the mind of Christ in heaven, because quite frankly, American Christians, would not be able to handle it.

SO, NO... I don't think Christians are called to exemplify holiness by spewing hateful rhetoric at those who do not know God. I believe we are to be holy, because HE is holy. And the only way any of us do that is by the power of the Holy Spirit. Speaking the TRUTH in LOVE. 'Not really seeing that from many of our Beloved "Christian Role Models" and their loyal followers.

SO, NO...I don't think it's ok for "Christian" commentators to act like Non Christian commentators. To be liberal and mean- spirited is no more or less wrong than to be conservative and mean- spirited. Why in the world our supposed "thought leaders" in the Christian Culture patterning their work after the world? WHAT sense does that make?

So, NO...I don't think to be a Christian it means we are to blindly follow certain "Christ-iany" speakers; radio/tv hosts; reality shows; etc., etc. Since when did we ever think we were supposed to check our brains and thoughts and opinions "at the door"? To have the Mind of Christ should be just that the Mind of Christ, and "NOT the  Mind of Man-who-talks-a-big-Christian-game, etc."

SO, NO...I don't think it's ok to major on the "small things". I don't really care about the Elf on the Shelf vs. those fake kids on the mantle (whatever they are called)...I'm not really going to freak out about Santa or no Santa or whether he is white, real or ....whatever. And, I'm certainly not going to attach Christmas to ADVENT. I'm not going to call Halloween a "fall party" (where kids dress up and get treats just like in HALLOWEEN) to FEEL better about it. I'm not going to "Christian-ize" every thing of the world so I can sort of enjoy it, but in a way that I've (completely and totally and mistakenly) "holie-fied"it.

SO, NO...I'm not going to rail about contraception and who takes it and who doesn't. Here's an idea: if you don't believe it's right to use contraceptive devices don't.  Start by being personally holy before expecting those who don't believe to understand what that really means for themselves...after all they don't even know the ONE who IS HOLY.

So, NO...I'm not going to side with "certain politicians" (either party) because certain churches, or religious pundits tell me too. For so many of us, we take the easy way out. We get someone to think for us. It's just easier, quite frankly.

So, NO...I'm not going to buy into all the talk about Christian Purity, when frankly so many of our young ladies and men dress and act no differently than the world. Their very parents going to several Bible studies a week and sitting in that pew every Sunday. I've seen more embarrassing clothing at church than I thought possible. As adults in the church we flirt, we "play with fire" in relationships and we are broken as models.  Our divorce rate is not different than that of the worlds. And we have as many youth pastors showing up in the news as predators as we do non Christian coaches and teachers.

For all of this, the failing of our Body of Believers, and MY OWN FAILINGS every day at personal holiness, GOD still uses the CHURCH. HE STILL chooses to work through His bride. WE are HIS AMBASSADORS and CHRIST IS making HIS appeal through us. I'm praying in 2014 our Appeal is on CHRIST's behalf and NOT on our own "Christian version of holiness".

So, NO...I don't give up hope, on myself or my brothers or sisters in Christ. God is so full of grace for all of us.  But I still think something's NOT QUITE RIGHT...and I'm praying we will look more and more like the early Christians and less and less like 21st Century Christians; more and more like JESUS FOLLOWERS. I'm gonna try to figure out what  exactly that is this year. I'm going to find some really good role models and STICK TO THEM LIKE GLUE. Their out there, I know they are.  Their just harder to find...

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