I've always loved the song AMAZING GRACE, and have read about it's composer John Newton. Recently I purchased the DVD of the movie AMAZING GRACE. I don't know if you have seen the movie , but if you haven't-- I highly recommend it. I actually heard the theme song from that movie for the first time after a message given at the GREAT BANQUET which I recently attended (one of those top 10 life-changing events!)...
For sure I have always loved this song, but this new interpretation by Chris Tomlin, just speaks something to me, like I've never heard this song speak to me before. I probably listen to this song at least one time a day, usually more, since I first heard it...and I have not tired of it yet. I believe what has touched me so much at this way of singing the song is the addition of "MY CHAINS ARE GONE"...what an awesome truth. When I truly know the grace of God: in my heart, in my soul, and down to my toes, then my chains are really gone and I am free. Those chains can be my own stubbornness, self-doubt, really horrendous habits that I can't seem to beat into submission, and so on. Like a flood, His mercies truly do reign, and therefore I have hope.
"It's a powerful idea. grace. It really is," Bono told launch.com in October. "We hear so much of karma and so little of grace. Every religion teaches about karma and what you put out you will receive. And even Christianity, which is supposed to be about grace, has turned redemption into good manners, or the right accent, or good works, or whatever.
I just can't get over grace." (Prologue, Amazing Grace: The Story of America's Most Beloved Song, by Steve Turner)
(Arrangement and additional chorus by Chris Tomlin & Louie Giglio)
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace Appear?
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I’ve been set free
My God, My Savior
Has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending Love, Amazing Grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My chains are gone
I’ve been set free
My God, My Savior
Has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending Love, Amazing Grace
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
YOU are forever mine
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