Monday, November 12, 2007


I've definitely "found out what it means to me" :-)

There's a person in my life who shows little respect to me, and therefore makes me CRAZY! I'm not the kind of gal who needs to be liked by everyone (thank you JESUS!), but to not have respect is quite challenging. To be discounted; treated as "lesser than"; ignored, etc. Man, that's a hard one for me.

So, tonite after my latest encounter and experience with this, I started "noodling" on be honest, I'm so thankful God is helping me take a step back, and be a bit more objective. Usually, I just want to make my point: IN A BIG WAY...which would not be good!

Here's my thing: I really need to
1. Remember this person is a child of God's dearly loved and highly valued
2. It's really not about's more about them, and what they are experiencing/facing/etc.
3. I know where my worth comes from, and I don't have to have it rely on how another shows that, etc.
4. I doubt I'm the first person that has been treated by this particular individual...guess what, unless God does a miracle and there is major growth (and I KNOW HE can do that...); it will happen again.
5. The results of this type of behavior for this person are worst for them than for me...see: I'm writing a whole blog on it!

SO, here's what R-E-S-P-E-C-T means to me:
1. Understanding and affirming other's roles and responsibilities (even if I don't agree with them being in a certain position, etc.)
2. Practising manners and behavior towards another, even when I don't particularly like them on a person level.
3. Being gracious and merciful when someones not at their best...because none of us are ALWAYS at their best
4. Holding others up in prayer: ESPECIALLY when they don't show respect to me
5. Treating others well, even when not treated well myself...

OK, you'd think we'd all get this right in kindergarten, but alas...we have not!

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