Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A prayer for mercy

God have mercy on me:

when I focus on myself and not on those around me who are in such great need
when I fail to count my blessings and so miss out on blessing others
when I don't put my "knees to the earth" and beg for your help
when I let my disappointment in people cloud my faith in your "miracle-making" ways
when I forget that you are the GOD who thinks long-term
when the sadness and hurts of others pierce my soul, and cause me to question your love
when I let the anger over the injustices I witness make me critical and judgemental
when I see bad choices get rewarded and so I doubt and sink into greater mistrust

I know you are so much bigger than my doubts and my frustration
I know that you experience those things too...and yet don't sin (unlike me...yikes!)
I know and believe that YOU are way more concerned for others than I can ever be
....and I know that you will make all things just and fair in your way and time
I know that you are in control...even when things/people seem out of control
I know that you are a GOD who gives hope, makes a way-where this is no way
I know that you bless us in ways I can't see and that you call me to trust you
I know you love me, and you love the people I love

God be merciful, bless me and those I am worried over with your comfort, your peace and your blessing.

I love you

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