Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The side effects of Disappointment

I had an interaction today with someone that was SO disappointing. This person just didn't get it...doesn't understand, didn't try to understand, and will likely never understand. Ever had that happen? It's really hard: it's tiring, draining, saddening, and a real bummer all around.

I got to sneak in some time with a friend who had had the same reaction to some things in her day...and we drove around avoiding going back to work for a bit: we were gathering all of our internal resources to face the rest of the day. And we did...we went back and carried on.

I believe we all seek and crave to be understood; listened to; affirmed; valued. We want it for ourselves and we want it for those we love. AND, when we don't receive it we feel very "let down", especially from those we respect and believe in.

The cool thing is that there is ONE who always understands, and who will never disappoint...and I have to remember that ultimately God knowing and valuing me is WAY MORE cool than what anyone here on earth can give me. Sometimes, it just helps to have someone "with skin on" who can reflect that wonderful attribute of God.

Heavenly Father: help the side effects of Disappointment to go away. Help me to know that even when not understood here, YOU always understand me. Also: please help me to do my best to give the gift of "knowing" and understanding others...I need help with that!

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